More empowerment among the people. That would make the world a better place for Yvonne Ganzhorn. What Justin Timberlake has to do with one of her unfulfilled wishes and where she would like to sit in the front row, she tells us at
Name: Yvonne Ganzhorn Age: 40 City: Stuttgart, Germany Occupation: instructor at customs Impairment: short stature / Achondroplasia
Yvonne Ganzhorn: Good sarcastic humor, people who don't take themselves too seriously and can laugh about themselves.
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Yvonne Ganzhorn: I've always wanted to learn a real dance choreography like Justin and Co. but somehow that never happened, or I didn't have the courage.
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Yvonne Ganzhorn: There are a lot of people who have influenced me so far. My friends or my art teacher from school.
But most of all my mother and sister had an impact on me. Both have always shown me a positive approach to life. To not always take myself and life itself so seriously. There was never a point of pity from either of them regarding my disability and that was a good thing. Never give up and always try everything is therefore our motto. No matter what others say!!!!
You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled. What would you do first?
Yvonne Ganzhorn: I would spend an appropriate amount of money for a nationwide inclusion package. This means to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The theory sounds very good, but in Germany we have still a long way to go from practical implementation in day-care centres, schools, universities or authorities. There should also be greater financial support for the compensation of disadvantages.
What is especially near and dear to you?
Yvonne Ganzhorn: I would like to see disabled people and non-disabled people working together in politics. That barriers in the head are dismantled. More tolerance and acceptance among each other. We all have only this one life and should enjoy it instead of facing our fellow human beings with envy and hatred. It is wonderful that we are all so different!
I would like to be...
Yvonne Ganzhorn: ... a guest in a Haute Coutoure show in Paris for once.
Which question would you like answered the most?
Yvonne Ganzhorn: Why don't some people learn from the past?
What else I wanted to say...
Yvonne Ganzhorn: We are more powerful when we empower each other!
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