Mr. Riedl, Pro Walk has just added two new devices to complement its popular WalkAide foot drop system. What makes the new additions of WalkAide 2.0 and NeuGait so unique?
Nico Riedl: We nicknamed NeuGait our "starter talent". This compact and effective device provides successful treatment. The small plastic brace features a soft cuff that is worn under the knee. The sensors record leg and foot movements, which are analyzed by electronic technology. NeuGait sends precisely coordinated electrical signals to the peroneal nerve, which controls the muscles in the leg that lift the ankle and toes upward. The system’s compact size also makes it suitable for children.
WalkAide® 2.0 is our "tech talent". Its modern case houses innovative technology. Sensors record the movement of the leg and continuously synchronize it using a complex algorithm. Armed with sophisticated technology, the intensity of the WalkAide® 2.0 can be controlled via an app as needed. Thanks to its sleek design, the system can also be worn discreetly under your clothes.
Who can wear the different models?
Riedl: The three foot drop systems are suited for anyone suffering from a disruption to the nerves that control foot function but whose nerve conduction is still intact. This might be because of a stroke, multiple sclerosis, incomplete paraplegia, or infantile cerebral palsy. Both functional electrical stimulation systems can be used as long as the nerves still react to applied electrical currents. NeuGait is especially suited for children due to its smaller size. The same applies to the well-tried WalkAide® system. When we developed the WalkAide® 2.0, we gave special attention to its sleek, flat design. User surveys have indicated that this is an important aspect that helps increase daily user rates. Thanks to its sleek dimensions, the system can now be discreetly worn under most clothing.