
Prosthetic care takes comprehensive support and perseverance


Photo: Young man in a cosy armchair with his dog on his lap. He is wearing a prosthetic leg.; Copyright: PantherMedia/DGLimages

Amputation is not always the last option. Sometimes a prosthesis also offers better chances for a mobile life. Regardless of why you go about your daily life with a prosthesis: An amputation and the path to a suitable prosthesis is no walk in the park.

Photo: Kim Cremer on the tartan track of an athletics stadium; Copyright: Kim Cremer

Kim Cremer is athletic on the road. Finding the right prostheses for him took perseverance. Today, he doesn't even want to take off his prostheses.

The way to the prosthetic limb with the best fit is not a sprint

Photo: Orthopedic technician Tobias Werner working on a prosthetic socket; Copyright: apt Prothesen GmbH

Tobias Werner knows what is important: good communication between technician and user.

Navigating the care process takes tenacity

Photo: German runner David Behre (with prosthetic legs) on the paralympic race track in Rio; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Even successful sprinters like David Behre need training for their best performances. Even if they are on their own on the tartan track, off the track they can rely on a good network.

Connecting with a peer is a priceless experience in the early stages

Photo: A man - Marcel Michitsch - placing his prosthetic leg on his motorbike; Copyright: Moritz Gerthausen

"Because in my accident I lost exactly the leg that had already been severely impaired from birth due to a deformity", says Marcel Michitsch, his accident was almost a stroke of luck. With his prosthetic leg he is more mobile than ever.

Perseverance helps you conquer obstacles

Photo: Anne Hofmann; Copyright: private