
REHADAT Gute Praxis: "Labor force participation requires targeted and personalized measures"

We asked Mareike Decker, REHADAT Gute Praxis


Photo: Mareike Decker; Copyright: IW Köln

Mareike Decker

Photo: Screenshot of the new website of REHADAT Gute Praxis; Copyright: REHADAT Gute Praxis

After a comprehensive relaunch, the website of the REHADAT portal Gute Praxis shines in new splendor. This makes bundled knowledge even more fun.

Photo: Business woman sitting at a laptop and taking handwritten notes; Copyright: PantherMedia/mavoimages

Concentrated information, best practice examples from everyday working life – if employers know what is possible and how, they are often much more open to contribute to the professional participation of people with disabilities.

Photo: Nadine Lormis; Copyright: private