FLP Media
Back pain, work overload and sickness-related absences are part of everyday life for many employees. According to the BKK health report, musculoskeletal disorders lead to above-average absenteeism. A technological solution could now help to relieve the burden on nursing staff: exoskeletons. But how realistic is their use in practice?Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe
165,725 severely disabled people were unemployed in Germany on average in 2023. This figure illustrates the ongoing challenge: people with disabilities often find it more difficult to find a job on the primary labor market than jobseekers without disabilities, despite having good qualifications.EnableMe
Joachim Schoss is the founder of EnableMe and an ambassador for the #TogetherForInclusion initiative. His personal experiences shaped his desire to make a difference. With EnableMe, Schoss has created a broad-based platform for people with disabilities that addresses important issues in their private and professional lives.EnableMe
"Nothing about us without us" is the motto of EnableMe Insights. The message is clear: accessibility and inclusion only work if people with disabilities are actively involved in the various development processes. In an interview with REHACARE.com, Boryana Milova from EnableMe talks about the goals and challenges of the project – and how you can get involved.HAWK
Ottobock and HAWK have signed a cooperation agreement for the Orthobionics study course in order to train specialists for the growing future market. Ottobock is contributing its industry expertise, supporting innovative teaching, promoting practical training and planning an endowed professorship for the course.Philipp Fauck / FLP Media
Whether professional nursing staff or family caregivers – back pain is a widespread phenomenon among people who care for others. With the BionicBack, the companies Help Tech GmbH and hTRIUS GmbH want to provide an assistive device that relieves the back and prevents back pain. REHACARE.com spoke with Carolin Mühle from Help Tech about the exoskeleton and the challenges in today's care.Darlene Alderson / Pexels
There is a shortage of skilled workers – also in the therapy sector. People who need physiotherapy, ergotherapy or speech therapy due to a disability, illness or injury often have to wait a long time for entry into a program. Progress in digitalization offers new opportunities for those affected and can relieve the burden on therapists.Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA
On October 9, 2023, the IX BACK AIR exoskeleton from "SUITX by Ottobock" was introduced for use in the logistics industry, combining the benefits of both rigid and soft systems. The innovation is designed to significantly reduce the workload in logistics and increase efficiency.European Disability Forum
The European Accessibility Summit discussed the importance of creating an inclusive digital work environment for workers with disabilities and promoting digital skills for all. The panel highlighted the challenges faced by people with disabilities in digital inclusion and emphasized the need for accessibility and reasonable accommodation.Andi Weiland, Boehringer Ingelheim / Gesellschaftsbilder.de
Workplace inclusion – a topic that has preoccupied many people for decades, but continues to receive little attention in society. Instead of asking what measures can be taken to make a workplace barrier-free, many people with disabilities are still excluded and labelled as "not employable".Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA
Dr. Andreas Kannenberg and Dr. Gerald Stark of Ottobock were honored with two awards during the AOPA meeting in the U.S., the Howard R. Thranhardt Award for their research on the C-Brace leg orthosis and the Sam E. Hamontree Business Education Award for outstanding presentations in O&P business and education.envato/astakhovyaroslav
People with disabilities have the guaranteed right to be part of the community in all areas of life. But unfortunately, there are still far too many barriers that exclude individuals from the community.CUREosity GmbH
Caesar van Heyningen will become the new CEO of CUREosity, a leader in the development of VR therapy systems for the medical field, on July 1, 2023. His predecessor, Thomas Saur, will assume the role of CVO. Together with the CTO, Stefan Arand, they form the company's new management team, which aims to establish and further expand the company internationally.PARAVAN
PARAVAN GmbH demonstrates a wide range of possibilities for individually adapting vehicles and machines to make it easier for people with disabilities to re-enter working life, whether through adaptations to access or the control of the vehicles. Inclusion in the workplace requires willingness and a common basic understanding among all parties involved.gpointstudio
Learning Disability Week, taking place from June 19 to June 25, 2023, aims to challenge misconceptions about life with a learning disability and highlight the achievements of individuals with such disabilities. Mencap encourages participation through reading and learning, volunteering, campaigning for equal rights, and donating to learning disability charities.European Disability Forum
A report calls on the European Commission to present a proposal for an adequate minimum income in the European Union. In this report there are important considerations on the subject of disability. The European Disability Forum strongly supports the campaign of the Social Platform on this topic.PARAVAN GmbH
Alexander Klems has been driving wheel loaders for 21 years. In 2019, everything was going to be different. He got injured. He could no longer operate the accelerator pedal of his Hitachi ZW 330 wheel loader, which he almost always has to step on when loading construction materials. Another solution was needed, which was found at PARAVAN thanks to the Space Drive drive-by-wire system.Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann
TREFFPUNKT REHACARE is your central platform for lectures, panel discussions, and the exchange of information and experience. Topics included the digitization of the workplace and recreational environment, technical assistance and vocational rehabilitation with a focus on exoskeletons, job coaching, and rehabilitation for people living with long or post-COVID conditions.Ottobock
Lifting boxes above head height, repositioning a bedridden patient, or assembling heavy components in production - many work-related activities go along with monotonous postures or repetitive lifting. Exoskeletons can reduce strain and prevent long-term musculoskeletal injuries and illnesses.twinsterphoto
Anyone visiting REHACARE on site will notice numerous small stands in addition to the larger stands of many established companies. Here you can often find new start-ups that want to expand the assistive technology sector with a fresh idea.PantherMedia/ridofranz
There are more than four million people in need of care in Germany, and for every one of them there are one or more caregivers. Discussions about their situation often focus on the right equipment, such as care beds, walkers or drinking cups. But one factor for pleasant and professional care is often forgotten – clothing.Etac AB
HoverMatt air-assisted transfer system facilitates patient care and reduces work-related injuries for caregivers, which contributes to a higher standard of care.dzb lesen
Blindness or visual impairment means a loss or partial loss of the sense of sight. What it doesn't mean is that those who are impacted by this must aim lower or feel inferior. An abundance of vision aids does a fantastic job of replacing the sense of sight in the best way possible.PantherMedia / moodboard (YAYMicro)
Whether it is an orthotic, prosthetic or wheelchair – it takes orthopedic know-how and skill to ensure the assistive device has the proper fit and also "fits" your lifestyle (pun intended). Although orthopedic technicians are often the first point of contact for patients, their profession is often unfairly underrated.Lukas Kapfer | www.th-10.de
Whether it affects cultural, political, economic, or social life – people with disabilities have a right to participation. This was recognized and stipulated in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. But how is society as a whole implementing this directive? How are inclusion and participation put into practice and what role do companies play in promoting diversity?Andi Weiland | Boehringer Ingelheim, Gesellschaftsbilder.de
Especially for blind and visually impaired people, the lack of or non-working augmentative communication devices frequently means that they have no prospect of participating in the workplace. We discussed with Bruno Behrendt from Papenmeier why screen readers are sometimes nothing more than pretty tools and learned why technical support is THE perennial issue when it comes to customer service.Andi Weiland | Boehringer Ingelheim, Gesellschaftsbilder.de
Not many of us are lucky enough to find our dream job and stay in it until the day we retire. Sometimes this might be due to health and medical reasons, which could necessitate occupational rehabilitation. If people have a severe disability, Germany’s Federal Integration Offices, or Inclusion Offices along with the pension insurance providers are the responsible authorities.Jonne Renvall/Tampere University
Wearable exoskeletons are increasingly being used in physically demanding jobs to support good ergonomics and augment muscular strength. In ground-breaking studies led by researchers at Tampere University and LUT University in Finland, exoskeleton vests were worn by nurses to discover how the new technology would suit the special requirements of patient care.PantherMedia/mavoimages
What are strategies for successful inclusion in the primary labor market? Many employers only have a vague idea of what this entails, revealing the importance of comprehensive and practical information. The new REHADAT Gute Praxis (English: Best Practice) portal aims to be their go-to resource – and includes 900 practical examples. Why are they especially useful? We asked...beta-web
If you are looking for information about disability and vocational integration including resources, support services or addresses in Germany, you can find it on REHADAT. It’s free, accessible and always updated. REHACARE.com talked about the benefits of the central and unbiased information portal.beta-web
Sitting while standing up – Standing Ovation makes this oxymoron possible. The rail system with its C-shaped seat bar and seat lifting unit allows Austrian chef Peter Lammer to sustain his job despite an 80 percent disability rating pertaining to his legs. With REHACARE.com he talked about the invention that brought back his zest for life and the feedback he received at this year's trade fair.01/08/2019
The blind Conny Rippe has an office job where she organizes a lot and makes a lot of phone calls. This is made possible by the right assistive technology. In our report, she, her employer Regine Gessner and software manufacturer Hansjörg Lienert talk about the challenges and opportunities of everyday working life with visual impairment.O4 Wheelchairs GmbH
How often do we change our sitting position throughout the workday? People who don’t use wheelchairs can "stretch their legs" during a long day at the office. Unfortunately, that’s not a real option for wheelchair users. That's why the Dutch manufacturer O4 Wheelchairs has created the WorkHopper, a dynamic and ergonomic solution that’s specifically designed for the workplace.privat
Whether it’s for their professional life or to travel – many people with disabilities need a car that provides mobility without limits. A small car is often unable to accommodate unique needs. That’s when you need a bigger vehicle – like a minivan.RetroBrain R&D
Doing something good for your health in a playful and fun way – that sums up the concept of health games. "It does not have to be grueling, boring and dreadful to maintain or regain your health," says Manouchehr Shamsrizi. He co-founded RetroBrain and developed the MemoreBox – an easy-to-use gaming console for aging adults, designed to keep them physically and mentally healthy and fit.