Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann
As children with disabilities or chronic illnesses grow up, families often face challenges in making their daily lives both feasible and fulfilling. Mobility solutions, daily living aids and even special furniture can make a significant contribution. They are designed to allow children more self-determination and to promote their participation in society.Mika Volkmann
Inspiring and encouraging others: This is always a personal concern for Kim Cremer. After a motorcycle accident, he wears a prosthetic leg and is passionate about sport . In the interview on, he explains why he would like to invent an assistive device for people with visual impairments and why, in his opinion, social media does not fulfill its purpose completely satisfactorily.private
Assistive devices such as a wheelchair are not an impediment for people with disabilities, but allow them freedom and self-determination. This was also the case for Hans-Jürgen Rohe: after Lyme disease turned his life plans upside down, it was ultimately the wheelchair that enabled him to re-enter social life. On, he explains how the initial setback ultimately became his profession.private
As a mother with a disability, Svenja Gluth sometimes faces special challenges – and finds creative solutions. For her family, her disability is a natural part of life, and together they always find a way to make everyday life more active. At, she explains why she would like to travel into the future instead of the past and what makes REHACARE so special for her.Christoph Klemens
On her travels around the world, Sabine Klemens feels true freedom and lightness. As often as possible, she travels with her family in a caravan and discovers new things - although she still has a few dream destinations to visit. Why her wheelchair should have a parachute and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on Gasper
Whether basketball or tennis – sports are a central part of Timo Schmiesing's life. That's why inclusion and better supply of assistive devices are particularly important to him, both in everyday life and in sports. What other aids he would like to have and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us at Fricke
Sarah Brückner is a passionate musician. Together with her husband, she performs as the folk duo Mrs. Greenbird. An accident in 2021 changed many things. As a social pedagogue, Sarah Brückner had already fought for inclusion in the past. What has changed for her as a prosthesis user and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on Düsseldorf/tillmann, Messe Düsseldorf/Andreas Wiese
Robotics is increasingly becoming a central component of rehabilitation. It is predicted that global sales in rehabilitation robotics will exceed the one billion US dollar mark by 2030. But how are robotic systems currently being used and what innovations could we see in the coming years?Motion Solutions GmbH
Achim Bauch is one of thousands of people worldwide who are still living with the consequences of the thalidomide scandal of the late 1950s and early 1960s. Which moment he remembers most fondly from a few years ago and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
A few years ago, sepsis changed Christina Keil's entire life. The consequences of an induced coma following heart surgery are still with her today. But Christina Keil firmly believes that a positive spirit attracts positive things. What she is particularly grateful to the nursing staff for during her time in hospital and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on Cäsar
Whether for his club or for Team Germany – Lukas Gloßner is a wheelchair basketball player with all his heart. His big goal is to take part in the 2024 Summer Paralympic Games. Along the way, he has learned a lot and developed clear ideas about how he wants to live his life with a disability. Who he would like to meet and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on Beckmann
For Katharina Hesener, many movements are associated with great effort. The 23-year-old has limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (muscle atrophy) and organizes her everyday life very differently than most other people her age – with assistive devices ranging from wheelchairs to garbage grabbers. How she tells the world about her life and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on Zwiebel
We have to talk to each other to find solutions together – that is what Moritz Brückner believes. Sport is a good example of this – because hardly anything works here without teamwork. At the same time, sports give you so much in return, he revealed as a speaker at REHACARE 2023. Which assistive devices have the highest priority for him and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
Lea Habekost loves being out in nature. Whether in the forest with her dog or in the mountains with her family – no path is too difficult for the 22-year-old. Also thanks to an additional wheel and drive for her wheelchair. Where she thinks the assistive technology industry should definitely remain flexible and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on
Her son, her husband, her neurologist – they make up Tatjana B.'s personal support team. Outside this environment, the young woman with MS would like to see more sensitivity and understanding from society – even when the symptoms of a disease are invisible. What changes she would like to see in the health care system and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on
Sailing is a matter of the heart for Elke Paatz. She has already convinced many people at REHACARE 2022 that the sport can also be practised inclusively – and the next presentation is already planned. Which body part she would like for her telepresence robot Robbi and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on
Challenges big and small are part of everyday life for Paul O'Dono. This makes it all the more important for him to find people who have had similar experiences in life. Together with these people, he campaigns for more accessibility – both online and offline. What makes Tom Cruise so unique for him and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
Whether disability, hair colour or clothing style – for Mano Grande, such characteristics are just ballast that leads to people being pigeonholed. With his podcast, the 40-year-old wants to contribute to seeing people as the individuals they really are. What he thinks about the German content creators Rezo and Julien Bam and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on Cati
For deaf people like Benedikt Sequeira Gerardo, it is small or invisible devices that make all the difference in everyday life. These include smartphones with apps and other software. But development is stalling in some areas. Where he would like to see more inventiveness and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on Kraß
Nicole Kraß loves diving. Even her diagnosis of multiple sclerosis did not change that. With her website "Tauchen mit Handicap" (Diving with a handicap), the self-employed journalist now stands up for all people who want to follow the same passion – despite physical limitations. Which fictional character we should all take as an example and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on
Life as a great adventure – Maik Birko is living this dream. The 41-year-old is currently preparing for a trip to Norway. But the path to a self-determined, cosmopolitan life was not easy for the Hamburg resident. Which challenges he had to face, who he is particularly grateful to and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on Groos
The German Social Code – for most non-lawyers a jungle of paragraphs. Sima Surkamp helps people with disabilities find their way through this jungle and become aware of their legal rights with regard to assistance services. How she wants to promote self-determination and social participation and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on Düsseldorf / Andreas Wiese
Many people engage in sports in their free time. Some want to promote their own health, others want to achieve a specific goal. Some people use sport to clear their heads, while others simply enjoy it. Sports activities also serve as a meeting place for social contacts and shared experiences.private
To live self-determined and not have to justify being human – these are Verena Engler's expectations of society. But what sounds simple often encounters obstacles such as stigmatisation and misplaced pity in reality. Why she is nonetheless grateful for the people who did not mean well for her and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on®
The new generation walking aid companion? The Wheeleo® feels like a never-ending guardrail and accompanies you everywhere you go. With its one-handed design it helps regain autonomy while supporting movement in everyday situations. For example, it enables grocery shopping, opening doors and walking the dog. It also reduces the risk of falling, is easy to transport and has an elegant design.private
To be a free man – on the slopes of this world. That is what drives Baggio Zhong. For him, skiing is like flying over snow. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology – some of it from his own company – a dream come true again. Why he would like to meet his future self and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
For Dr. Leopold Rupp, his wheelchairs are part of his everyday life. He owns several of them – for work in the hospital, for home and for outdoors. Looking to the future, he reveals why he would like to see more aids and functions – at least as long as there are still steps. Which US president he would like to meet and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on Düsseldorf/ctillmann
A visit to REHACARE is nothing like other traditional business settings. You quickly realize that this venue makes room for heartfelt and inspirational stories. One reason for this is the end users, who rely on many products as indispensable resources to master their daily lives. Another reason is business owners who forge valuable contacts with other industry participants at the trade fair.private
Hao Chen loves to run. The 28-year-old has already completed countless marathons. The loss of his hearing at the age of one also taught him the necessary willpower. Since then, Hao Chen has repeatedly faced obstacles – and overcome them. What he expects from the assistive technology industry and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
Marion Fischer lives for working with people. The 22-year-old is a curative education nurse and works in a children's and youth hospice. She recently learned how important it is to give everyone a place in the middle of society when she was diagnosed with a rare form of Parkinson's disease. What she is fighting for and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on
An unexpected amputation completely changed Rong Xia's life. But she took this as an opportunity to deal with the topic professionally and to found her own company for the development of prostheses. What her goals are and how else she rolls, she tells us on GmbH
Code-compliant handrail systems provide safety and make stairs accessible and usable for more people. They help reduce fall risk, facilitate more mobility, and allow people to gain access to all rooms. Thanks to its work with older adults and people with disabilities, Flexo-Handlaufsysteme GmbH knows about potential barriers and has made it its mission to promote the self-determination of people.private
Nowadays, mobility for many people with disabilities means being able to be self-determined in their own car. One prerequisite for this is a driver's license. Which detours and obstacles Sascha Scholz had to overcome to get his license, where he went on his subsequent European tour, and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on systems GmbH
Building communication, strengthening skills, and responding to individual needs – that is the goal of icho systems GmbH. To realize their vision, the team has developed the ichó therapy ball. It brings therapeutic measures and individual support to people's homes and can be used to promote cognition and motor activity.privat
Victoria H. sees the world with more mindful eyes since she had to get to know herself and her body anew. However, she has retained her enthusiasm for sports and has found many new ways to practice it. What kind of role REHACARE plays in this, why straws are an important assistive device in her everyday life and what how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on by medica Medizintechnik GmbH
The goal of THERA-Trainer by medica Medizintechnik GmbH is to make it easy for people with restricted mobility to regain their lost mobility. That is why the family company has designed professional therapeutic products and robotic assisted complete solutions for all phases of lower extremity rehabilitation.Andrea Mocellin
How can traveling become more accessible and more self-determined for wheelchair users – especially when traveling by plane or taking a cab? This is the question Andrea Mocellin wanted to address when he started inventing Revolve Air. His solution: a wheelchair with foldable wheels and a foldable frame.Svenjas Welt
Getting used to an assistive device is not always easy. That's how Svenja felt about her wheelchair at first. But now she appreciates how much freedom and flexibility it gives her in everyday life. Which other aid she thinks should be invented and which special wheelchair she once discovered at REHACARE, she tells us on Hoempler
Whether it's festivals or downhill skateboarding – Antonio Hoempler loves action and adaptive sports. He also enjoys riding his handbike. With the support of friends and assistive devices, he can pursue his many interests. How he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
Whether visitors or exhibitors – REHACARE has always stood for personal encounters. People from all over the world come together at the largest trade fair for rehabilitation and care. In the exhibition halls, they can not only try out the countless products, but also exchange ideas with each other. And REHACARE is the perfect place for that!17.09.2022
The thumb clearly points upwards. REHACARE 2022 leaves behind enthusiastic visitors and exhibitors. Many people seeking and offering help have come together in Düsseldorf, countless aids have been viewed, tested and tried on. A successful trade fair for rehabilitation and care comes to an end after four days.16.09.2022
The proof of the pudding is in the eating – this sounds trite, but it is especially important when it comes to assistive devices. Trying out a new wheelchair or trying on an exoskeleton is the best way to find out whether an aid really suits your needs. The exhibiting companies at REHACARE are well prepared for this, so that visitors can test the wide range of products hands-on.16.09.2022
The multiple Olympic champion and exceptional athlete Kristina Vogel was on the road at REHACARE on Friday: Among other things, she was at the stand of trivida, for which she is also a brand ambassador. Some visitors also took the opportunity to talk to her on site.15.09.2022
Exciting presentations and lively exchange: The expert forums TREFFPUNKT REHACARE (Hall 6/E25) and PRODUCTS & NEWS @REHACARE (powered by MOBITIPP) (Hall 4/H07) offer interesting insights into a wide variety of topics. The programs are packed full. A visit is worthwhile!15.09.2022
Whether table tennis, basketball or skiing: At the REHACARE Sports Center, visitors have the opportunity to try out various inclusive sports or compete with other people in sports. But the best thing is to drop by yourself and maybe you will find a new (sports) passion there?14.09.2022
Dribbling, shooting and hitting the goal? Fortuna Düsseldorf can do that! But does it work without them seeing anything? Together with our trade fair team, they ventured onto the field at the REHACARE 2022 Sports Center and tried it out. The conclusion of everyone involved: it was fun!14.09.2022
Welcome to REHACARE 2022! Experience the world's largest trade fair for rehabilitation and care with all the important companies in the industry. We are looking forward to welcoming you personally in Düsseldorf!Messe Düsseldorf/Constanze Tillmann
You’re probably familiar with this scenario: You order a fabulous piece of clothing or shoes online, only to be terribly disappointed when the item arrives but doesn’t fit. It’s an all-too-familiar problem for people with disabilities who depend on these resources. Whether it’s a mobility aid or adapted car, the device must be customized to fit the needs of the individual to provide support.Isabelle Sievers
A prosthetic arm has given Isabelle Sievers a lot of quality of life and self-confidence. In just three years, she has overcome many lows and continued her self development. Her strong will and perseverance have helped her to achieve even the seemingly impossible. In our interview, she emphasizes that everyone has their own strengths and can achieve anything.Genny Mobility
Inspired by the self-balancing Segway, Genny Mobility developed a wheelchair equivalent. What started as a newbie on the mobility aids market, now is ready for its third generation. The new wheelchair will be revealed in two weeks at this year’s REHACARE. Francesca Belotti allows for a little glimpse into what we can expect.CreativeNature_nl/envato
Get in your camper to get away: Each year, thousands of Germans make this dream come true as is evidenced by the number of current new registrations of camper vans, travel trailers and recreational vehicles. Standard models often include many practical features - but unfortunately, accessible solutions are still few and far between.Katja Tefiki
Katja Tefiki had to completely reorganize her everyday life after she became paraplegic. She got her driver's license and today her car and wheelchair are her indispensable companions. She loves long car rides and paragliding is also one of her passions. How she rolls otherwise, she tells us on e. V.
As children grow up and develop, their needs keep changing. If the response to their special needs for auxiliary aids and services isn’t quick and competent, it creates problems that could have been avoided at a systemic level, says Christiana Hennemann. rehaKINDis committed to improving the situation and giving constructive feedback to policymakers, the public and other important stakeholders.Tahina Andale
Whether it's a cane or a walker, walking aids can make a significant contribution to greater mobility and a more self-determined life. Tahina Andale has also made this experience. Why the path to this realization was not always easy and what else has helped her to cope better with her chronic illness, she tells us on
Lifting boxes above head height, repositioning a bedridden patient, or assembling heavy components in production - many work-related activities go along with monotonous postures or repetitive lifting. Exoskeletons can reduce strain and prevent long-term musculoskeletal injuries and illnesses.Ekso Bionics Europe GmbH
A stroke or an accident are life-changing events since many survivors experience limitations of mobility. Not all patients regain full mobility with subsequent rehabilitation. Some physical restrictions may persist, making adaptive equipment and assistive technologies necessary. Exoskeleton use in rehabilitation shows promise for better treatment results.Alain Zanchetta
Alain Zanchetta is a fighter. He would have to overcome difficulties early on, but he has gained a lot of strength and confidence as a result. As a designer, he develops inclusive design products himself to help other people. At the same time, his job offers him the security and perspective he craves. At he tells us how he rolls otherwise.Leben mit PEG
Bastian K. is a summer person at heart. He enjoys spending time with family and friends. In doing so, the lack of accessibility often causes him more difficulties than the progressive muscle weakness he has been living with for many years. When he is not on the road, he writes about his "life with PEG" on his own blog. On he tells us how he rolls otherwise.Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann
People with disabilities often rely on assistance in different ways. Whether it's speech computers, screen readers, i.e. software that vocalizes on-screen texts, or special power wheelchairs – what all assistance has in common here is that it works thanks to digital components.privat
Ann-Kathrin Ulbrich was heavily pregnant when paralysis suddenly appeared in her right leg. As a mother of three, she was then suddenly dependent on a wheelchair. But she rose to the challenge and is proud of it. How she manages her everyday life, which aid is indispensable for this and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on
Opening a jar or getting on a bike to ride to the store: small things that many of us around the world do every day and tend to take for granted. But these activities are not a matter of course for everyone. Daily living aids can make a big difference to people with disabilities in making their lives
How do you want to spend your annual summer vacation? Are you headed for the beach or is skiing in the mountains more your style? No matter the destination, most people use their vacation time for a relaxing escape. Unfortunately, planning a trip can be stressful and is especially challenging for people with disabilities, as they must find accessible accommodations and inclusive destinations.seventyfourimages
Water sports such as diving, sailing, or kiteboarding evoke a feeling of freedom! You don’t have to travel the five oceans of the world to get in on the fun. Depending on the type of sport, your local man-made lake or public swimming pool can also do the trick.twinsterphoto
Anyone visiting REHACARE on site will notice numerous small stands in addition to the larger stands of many established companies. Here you can often find new start-ups that want to expand the assistive technology sector with a fresh idea.Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann
No two days are the same. You always learn and experience new things when you work with people. It’s one reason why medical supply stores strive to keep up to date on the latest product innovations. Besides manufacturers, retailers often step up to ensure the equipment lands in the right medical supply store.Quokka
Sometimes an outfit is just an outfit – perhaps it’s not terribly exciting or unique, but it does the job. But expressing your individuality from time to time never hurt anyone. How do you showcase your personal style? With the right accessories: a scarf, a belt, or a matching bag. took a closer look at companies that accommodate the specific needs of people with disabilities.Andi Weiland | Boehringer Ingelheim,
Not many of us are lucky enough to find our dream job and stay in it until the day we retire. Sometimes this might be due to health and medical reasons, which could necessitate occupational rehabilitation. If people have a severe disability, Germany’s Federal Integration Offices, or Inclusion Offices along with the pension insurance providers are the responsible authorities.TOPRO GmbH
They used to have an image problem. But now, rollators or walkers, are anything but boring or stuffy. For many, they are treasured state-of-the-art companions for everyday life and a way to express their personality.Myd'l
Shopping – especially in city centers – can quickly turn from pleasure to frustration. Namely, when stores are only accessible via one or more steps. The French company Myd'l has a solution ready for every barrier in terms of accessibility – whether private or business. Successfully active in international business for 22 years, the manufacturer now also offers its products in Germany.Tessier SARL
Whether it’s activities in the water, snow or at home – exercise is a great way to boost your health and feel better. A wide range of assistive technology also makes this an option for people with physical disabilities or mild dementia. Some of these tools allow users to enjoy sports in spectacular, beautiful backdrops – in both winter and summer.OrCam
Off the soccer field, professional footballer Lionel Messi is known for his commercials for Pepsi, Lay's or Dolce & Gabbana. Now he has also become the brand ambassador for OrCam MyEye and shines a bright light on this unique assistive technology. Why did the two decide to form this rather unusual partnership?moso
Years of business expertise, in-house production, and new personnel competency – the Motion Solutions GmbH is well-positioned to withstand the challenges brought by the coronavirus pandemic and continues to offer its customers the best service. CEO Gierse discusses the role products like the COSEAT and EasyStand play in this setting and reveals the expectations the moso team has for the future.Sunrise Medical
From the valley to the hut in a wheelchair – and no shuttle bus or mountain railway required. Wheelchair manufacturer Sunrise Medical teamed up with various partners as part of a joint initiative to turn this idea into a reality.Exero Technologies
Activities aiming at occupational therapy and rehabilitation are boring? Not necessarily! A new assistive exercise and sports equipment named Spike is not only designed to be fun, but also suitable for everybody who wants to get and stay fit. How this works for whom and what kind of history connects Spike with REHACARE? We asked!Joëlette And Co by Ferriol-Matrat
Going on new adventures with the whole family is fun for everybody. At least, if the necessary assistive devices meet the needs of their users. So does Joëlette Kid – the new all-terrain chair by Ferriol-Matrat. In an interview with, Alison-Lore Bourget told us about the special features and how especially the children react to their new possibilities.Sojadis Equipement
Simple, ergonomic, reliable – the multifunctional handles, ACCEL BIKE and ACCEL QUAD, enable improved participation in a mobile and self-determined life. What the two solutions have in common and yet differ, Pierre Gouraud, International Sales of Sojadis Equipement, reveals in an interview with
Solid and adapted – this is how auxiliary means for competitive sports such as wheelchair basketball should be. That's why EXTRA wheelchairs from Turkey offers made to measure sports wheelchairs to professional sports people. talked to Demirhan Serefhan, Managing Director of EXTRA, about the importance of customization and valuable feedback directly from the basketball court.mission:lebenshaus gGmbH
Since May 2020, the sibling support of the Angelika Reichelt Kinder- und Jugendhospizes Joshuas Engelreich (English: Angelika Reichelt Children and Youth Hospice) has been taking place in the newly created so called Geschwisterinsel (English: Sibling Island). You can gain a small insight in our photo gallery.Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA
The Coronavirus crisis has affected all of us. The pandemic has also left its mark on many REHACARE exhibitors. Several companies have adapted their services and product portfolios in response to a rapidly changing situation. has taken a closer look at three exhibitors.ReWalk Robotics
Rehabilitation and robotics increasingly go hand in hand. That’s why it is crucial to ensure the quality of robotic rehabilitation at any level. How important is it for companies like ReWalk Robotics to have the support of health insurance companies? asked and also learned about the company’s future hopes for the industry.