CUREosity GmbH
Since February 1, 2024, the German health insurance company Techniker Krankenkasse has been reimbursing virtual reality therapy (VR therapy) with CUREO® in rehabilitation, making it the first health insurance company in Germany to make this modern therapy method available to its policyholders. The offer is initially aimed at patients of the Ambulanticum, which is the ideal partner for the project.STAPPONE
The 6-minute walk test is one of the standard assessments in rehabilitation in the fields of cardiology as well as pulmonology and has now also found its way into neurology. This easy test becomes even more efficient with stappone sensor soles and generates additional data with little additional effort.Drive Medical GmbH & Co. KG
In 1888, Dr. Allen DeVilbiss developed a "spray syringe" to revolutionize drug delivery in respiratory therapies and founded his own company to manufacture and distribute this nebulizer. Today, 135 years later, Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare is the leading designer, manufacturer and distributor of airway and oxygen therapy devices.Philipp Fauck / FLP Media
Whether professional nursing staff or family caregivers – back pain is a widespread phenomenon among people who care for others. With the BionicBack, the companies Help Tech GmbH and hTRIUS GmbH want to provide an assistive device that relieves the back and prevents back pain. spoke with Carolin Mühle from Help Tech about the exoskeleton and the challenges in today's care.Darlene Alderson / Pexels
There is a shortage of skilled workers – also in the therapy sector. People who need physiotherapy, ergotherapy or speech therapy due to a disability, illness or injury often have to wait a long time for entry into a program. Progress in digitalization offers new opportunities for those affected and can relieve the burden on therapists.Ottobock
The C-Brace, an advanced stand and swing phase-controlled orthosis (MP-SSCO), shows better neurorehabilitation outcomes compared to conventional leg orthoses (KAFOs) in an international study. The study provided important insights for clinical practice and could provide the basis for effective reimbursement for the C-Brace.Ottobock
The Ottobock company celebrates life with its first global brand campaign #IAmAMountain. The song "Mountain" by Sam Ryder, which is the centerpiece of the campaign, is about perseverance and courage while Ottobock's campaign focuses on inspiring people with disabilities and their stories to change the image of them in society.Ottobock
The neuromodulation suit "Exopulse Mollii Suit" helps people with multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, stroke and other neurological disorders that cause similar symptoms. 58 electrodes stimulate individually affected muscle groups. This activates the muscles and reduces spasticity, which provides a reduction in pain.Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA
The acquisition of the patient care provider from the German state of Baden-Württemberg expands Ottobock's care network across Germany. The takeover allows Ottobock to persistently continue its growth strategy.Andrew Dunne / University of Bath
With a new technique for people who need prostheses after amputations, the University of Bath is developing a technology that allows patients and their families to photograph the remaining stump. The aim is to replicate the results clinicians in specialist clinics can achieve with high-end 3D scanners, but remotely and at a fraction of the cost.Drive Medical GmbH & Co. KG
Stress, unhealthy nutrition, lack of exercise – our modern lifestyle has many negative effects on our health. But none of these problems is as easy to solve as the latter. Because all it takes is a little nudge to get moving again. But what to do when movements become more difficult and sometimes even impossible with increasing age?icho systems GmbH
Building communication, strengthening skills, and responding to individual needs – that is the goal of icho systems GmbH. To realize their vision, the team has developed the ichó therapy ball. It brings therapeutic measures and individual support to people's homes and can be used to promote cognition and motor activity.THERA-Trainer by medica Medizintechnik GmbH
The goal of THERA-Trainer by medica Medizintechnik GmbH is to make it easy for people with restricted mobility to regain their lost mobility. That is why the family company has designed professional therapeutic products and robotic assisted complete solutions for all phases of lower extremity rehabilitation.Ottobock
Lifting boxes above head height, repositioning a bedridden patient, or assembling heavy components in production - many work-related activities go along with monotonous postures or repetitive lifting. Exoskeletons can reduce strain and prevent long-term musculoskeletal injuries and illnesses.University of Michigan/Robotics Institute
Researchers from the University of Michigan and the University of Stuttgart developed a method by which users can adjust exoskeletons themselves.Pandhora S.r.l.
When you think of a wheelchair, you don’t necessarily consider it a high-tech assistive technology that is super trendy. In the past, the device was also heavy, over-sized, and difficult to transport. All that has changed, thanks to both innovative startups and well-known industry giants.ezyGain S.A.S.
The overall goal of rehabilitation is to – literally – get patients (back) on their feet and provide professionally guided training to regain mobility and strength. However, some people find walking on a treadmill boring after a while.Jonne Renvall/Tampere University
Wearable exoskeletons are increasingly being used in physically demanding jobs to support good ergonomics and augment muscular strength. In ground-breaking studies led by researchers at Tampere University and LUT University in Finland, exoskeleton vests were worn by nurses to discover how the new technology would suit the special requirements of patient care.02.05.2018
Rehabilitation is the silent hero of the healthcare system. Whether it’s artificial cruciate ligaments after a sports injury, a permanent disability after an accident or recovery after a stroke – no matter whether a condition is reversible or not, rehabilitation tries its best to prepare people for a self-determined life and make participation a reality again.