
"ichó brings people with and without dementia together and provides a way to share stories, experiences, and impressions."

We asked Steffen Preuß, Managing Director of ichó systems GmbH


Photo: The team beyond ichó (from left to right): Steffen Preuß, Mario Kascholke and Eleftherios Efthimiadis; Copyright: Jürgen Nobel -

In early 2016, Steffen Preuß, Mario Kascholke and Eleftherios Efthimiadis became the ichó team (from left to right). Another member of the early team is Maximilian Friedrich.

Photo: An elderly woman catches ichó. The ball starts to glow in red-orange colors.; Copyright: ichó systems -

ichó is a small ball that can react to external influences. What is special about it, however, is that it incorporates individual preferences and needs through lighting, sound, vibration or music, thus enabling relatives or therapists to communicate with those affected.

Photo: Anne Hofmann; Copyright: private

© private

Photo: Hand holding microphone; Copyright:
