To what extent do ACCEL BIKE II and ACCEL QUAD represent a consistent further development of your previous product portfolio?
Gouraud: With both products, we provide an all-in-one system which is an add-on from our previous products portfolio. We have discussed with many end-users and occupational therapists. In the 90’s, the twist grip accelerator with a cable was very popular but unfortunately not very reliable. With ACCEL BIKE II, we do not have this difficulty as it is electronic. We have also noticed that some of our customers were previously bikers. For those reasons, we have decided to develop this system.
The ACCEL QUAD is kind of the ACCEL BIKE II cousin as it is also an all-in-one system. However, the acceleration is made by a trigger like on a quad. The commercial name has been given by end users and our dealers after introducing the first prototypes. They all said: "Well..., it is like on a Quad".
To what extent were or are the affected people themselves involved in the product development?
Gouraud: Every product we develop, the end users are the people we hear the most. They are integrated from the very beginning of the development to the launch of the product. We gather information from them with interviews, surveys... The first prototypes are always tried and validated by end-users from different countries thanks to our dealers’ network.
In total, a product development lasts in average two years before its launch on the market.
What feedback do you receive from users and also from the driving schools that actively use these products?
Gouraud: Well, it is a very good question. As explained before, we have actually developed ACCEL QUAD from its “cousin” ACCEL BIKE II after conversations with end users.
The feedback from end users, professionals and driving school are very positive. Both systems can be adjusted and personalized which makes the product adaptable for almost everyone.