
Transfer boards by meinHOLTZ: "Assistive devices can be practical, modern and stylish at the same time"

We asked Jennifer Schmidtke and Lisanne Stolpe-Blask, meinHOLTZ


Photo: Jennifer Schmidtke and Lisanne Stolpe-Blask at REHACARE 2019; Copyright: meinHOLTZ

Jennifer Schmidtke (left) and Lisanne Stolpe-Blask (right) presented their modern transfer boards to the public for the first time at REHACARE 2019.

Photo: Transfer board ready for transfer lies on the seat of the wheelchair; Copyright: meinHOLTZ

Being able to transfer independently is very important to many wheelchair users. The transfer boards by meinHOLTZ do not only make the transfer easier, but they also look good.

Photo: Blogger Christine Rupp holds up a transfer board at the meinHOLTZ stand at REHACARE; Copyright: Deine Christine

At REHACARE 2019 the feedback from visitors was very positive. Also German influencers and bloggers like Christine Rupp visited the meinHOLTZ booth and were enthusiastic about the transfer boards.

Photo: Nadine Lormis; Copyright: private