REHACARE: At the REHACARE 2019 trade fair, you introduced the foldable wheelchair "Merlin", which won in the "Special Mention" category at the German Design Award 2019. What makes this wheelchair so unique compared to other wheelchairs in your product portfolio?
Maday: The Merlin is our second foldable wheelchair. It is fully custom-made – like all of our products. Our goal was to build a folding wheelchair that is especially supportive for users who have a vehicle loading system and must carefully consider very compact vehicle dimensions when stowing their device. That’s why the Merlin is equipped with removable swivel footrests, allowing users to further reduce the footprint of their wheelchair. This also makes it well suited for people who require stand assist transport or those who propel their wheelchair by leg power.
REHACARE: In addition to your own products, you also showcased products from your partners VICAIR and Motion Composites. What prompted your joint trade fair presentation?
Maday: We wanted to show our customers our entire portfolio mix. Apart from our custom-made wheelchairs, this also includes devices made by our aforementioned partners, which – in my opinion – perfectly complement our product portfolio. The VICAIR wheelchair cushions are designed to relieve pressure and can also be the right, extremely lightweight cushion for an ultra-lightweight wheelchair. Products made by Motion Composites are appealing to users who are interested in carbon fiber technology and those who prefer adjustable wheelchairs versus our rigid frame wheelchairs.
REHACARE: What makes the REHACARE so attractive for Wolturnus?
Maday: It's all in the mix. Business partners, colleagues, users, therapists, specialty retailers – they all come to Düsseldorf. This is a well-established, successful trade fair that brings the industry together and allows us to perfectly highlight our skills, make strong connections and foster relationships. That's why REHACARE is a benchmark date on our calendar.