People with disabilities often need clothing that is adapted to their individual needs. These garments are characterised by functional elements. However, some manufacturers not only fulfil the practical but also the fashion requirements of their customers.bnenin / envato
Adaptive fashion is not a trend. It’s a sign of the shift towards a more open, inclusive society. The term appears both in Germany and throughout the world when describing well-designed, stylish clothing that caters to the individual needs and requirements of people with various disabilities. REHACARE.de takes an aesthetic and functional look at this attractive topic.JOF
Getting dressed, eating, getting around – what are normal everyday activities for many can sometimes be challenging for children and young people with disabilities and their guardians. Many companies therefore offer a wide variety of solutions to ensure that self-determination and well-being are accessible to all.Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA
The medical technology company Ottobock has launched the height-adjustable Taleo Adjust prosthetic foot, which allows people with prosthetic legs to freely choose between different types of shoes. Thanks to feedback from users such as Zainab Al-Eqabi, the user-friendliness of the prosthetic foot has been improved.Kanya Sesser
Para athletes like Robyn Lambird, Frances Rivera and Kanya Sesser are embracing their bodies and leading the revolution to make the fashion industry more inclusive for people with disabilities.PantherMedia/ridofranz
There are more than four million people in need of care in Germany, and for every one of them there are one or more caregivers. Discussions about their situation often focus on the right equipment, such as care beds, walkers or drinking cups. But one factor for pleasant and professional care is often forgotten – clothing.PantherMedia / HayDmitriy
Clothes should fit comfortably. They should make you feel great and be easy to put on and take off. Unfortunately, many "off-the-rack" clothes don’t meet these criteria. Those who don’t sport the measurements of the average woman or man find themselves at a distinct disadvantage. This includes people who use wheelchairs and people with restricted mobility.privat
If society doesn't provide accessibility, people have to do it themselves. That's why, Anna Fee has not only become active in the field of fashion. What "going your own path" means to her, why a flight was her greatest adventure to date and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us at REHACARE.com.Rolling Pants
March and April are the months the media home in on the fashion trends of Spring/Summer 2021 – as do (online) stores, of course. High time for REHACARE.com to check in with several labels. And who knows? Maybe your closet will soon also feature a piece of some of our highlighted brands?Quokka
Sometimes an outfit is just an outfit – perhaps it’s not terribly exciting or unique, but it does the job. But expressing your individuality from time to time never hurt anyone. How do you showcase your personal style? With the right accessories: a scarf, a belt, or a matching bag. REHACARE.com took a closer look at companies that accommodate the specific needs of people with disabilities.Jakob Gsöllpointner/MOB Industries
Fashion without barriers – that’s the mission of Viennese-based startup MOB Industries (German: Mode Ohne Barrieren, hence the abbreviation MOB). How has the coronavirus outbreak affected the company’s latest collection and how do functionality and aesthetics go hand in hand? REHACARE.com asked MOB founder and CEO Josefine Thom.14.05.2020
If fashion is practical and also keeps up with the latest chic trends, it has achieved its goal. We present pictures of two fashion labels that combine great style and functionality and make it work in everyday life and not just for wheelchair users and people of short stature.Lawson Filho
Pants, jackets or dresses – if you use a wheelchair, you inherently have a different perspective on clothing compared to other fashionistas who are able to walk. Fashion-conscious wheelchair users have to first find companies or labels that not only meet functional and adaptive clothing requirements, but also cater to their sense of fashion and style.Anna Spindelndreier
Standard clothing sizes can give us a reference point when we buy clothes. And now, this is finally also an option for little people – thanks to ready-to-wear fashion from AUF AUGENHOEHE. In this interview with REHACARE.com, company founder Sema Gedik reveals how this up-and-coming label wants to parlay its everyday fashion ideas into increased participation and inclusion in the fashion industry.Daniela Luquini
Inclusive design, adaptive fashion – there are many terms that describe this phenomenon in German and English-speaking countries. But what are the features of (great) fashion designed for people with disabilities? And is clothing for wheelchair users and little people still an untapped market? REHACARE.com took a closer look at the fashion industry.beta-web
Having to wear a protective headgear because of preventing falls doesn't look very fashionable. But there's a way to express your own style and still being safe: The Ribcaps by Glomarket bvba were designed just for that.01.04.2016
Wide aisles, a lot of room between the shelves, non-slip flooring and easy-to-read price tags – this is especially important for senior citizens and persons with disabilities when they shop. But in the real world, things are often very different: shopping carts that are hard to maneuver, narrow checkout aisles or undersized dressing rooms are all too common.