
Photo: A woman in light blue clothing wears VR goggles and holds her hands in front of her; Copyright: Darlene Alderson / Pexels

Darlene Alderson / Pexels

Digitalization in therapy professions: Progress against the shortage of skilled workers?


There is a shortage of skilled workers – also in the therapy sector. People who need physiotherapy, ergotherapy or speech therapy due to a disability, illness or injury often have to wait a long time for entry into a program. Progress in digitalization offers new opportunities for those affected and can relieve the burden on therapists.
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Photo: A view of a large trade fair stand; text:

Dare to make a new start – manage the return to work


Many people living with a disability or chronic illness face particular challenges in the labour market. Prejudices, structural barriers in road traffic or in buildings, lack of confidence in their own abilities – the list is long. At REHACARE, various authorities, institutions and associations present possibilities and give practical tips on how to get back into work or to reorient oneself.
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Photo: A person stands up from a wheelchair with an exoskeleton; linked to video

Strengthen and protect the body with exoskeletons


Science fiction a few years ago, exoskeletons are already a reality today. But while they are used regularly in some industries to lift heavy loads, their use in care or in the area of self-determined mobility is still the exception. At REHACARE, various companies will present their ideas and solutions with which those affected and carers could benefit from this technology now and in the future.
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Photo: Two people, one standing and one sitting, both with their backs to the camera; linked to the video.

CYBATHLON: Competition promotes progress


New techniques, technologies, strategies and ideas have always been particularly important when competing against rivals. In the CYBATHLON, people with disabilities, supported by the latest developments from the assistive technology industry, regularly compete against each other to test new innovations under sporting and fair conditions.
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Photo: A colourful top on a mannequin; linked to the video

Unique in function and design: adaptive clothing from FunWear


Ideas for adaptive clothing – directly from the life experiences of a family. This is what FunWear from Poland stands for. The family business develops and sells clothing for people with individual needs. At REHACARE, we spoke with family father and co-owner Lukasz Wysocki.
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Photo: A view of the packed Invictus Games hall; linked to the video

Invictus Games – A home for respect


Soldiers who have suffered physical or psychological injuries in the field have long been left alone to deal with their problems. The Invictus Games, launched in 2014 by Britain's Prince Harry, now give these people a chance to be seen and to compete against each other in sport. The competitions will take place parallel to REHACARE until 16.09.2023 at the Messe Düsseldorf exhibition centre.
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Photo: A red shoe crosses a laser on the ground; linked to the video

Breaking freezing: Ossenberg presents anti-freezing walking stick


Many people with Parkinson's are familiar with the sudden freezing when walking – so called freezing. When the feeling of paralysis sets in, nothing works anymore. Ossenberg GmbH has taken on the problem and developed a special anti-freezing walking stick. Björn Furche, project manager at Ossenberg, explains at REHACARE how exactly the cane can break freezing.
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Photo: Title photo

Decide for yourself where you go: intelligent wheelchair control for complex movement disorders


CoMoveIT's new control system for power wheelchairs offers entirely new possibilities in terms of mobility. With two foot pedals and three sophisticated sensors on the headpiece, this groundbreaking system enables intuitive and independent control of one's own power wheelchair.
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Image: Black device for monitoring arm movements; Copyright: KTU


AI-based system for monitoring arm movement after stroke


Researchers at Kaunas University of Technology have developed an AI-based system, including BiomacVR and BiomacEMG, aimed at aiding stroke victims' rehabilitation by monitoring arm movements through wearable technology. This technology benefits both patients and professionals, enabling precise exercise design and individualized treatment plans.
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Image: A laboratory where you can see many devices and a hand with smart artificial skin; Copyright: Helmut Lunghammer – TU Graz

Helmut Lunghammer – TU Graz

Smart artificial skin in application check stage


The smart skin developed by Anna Maria Coclite has many potential applications – from robotics and cosmetic surgery to prosthetics. With an ERC Proof of Concept Grant, the researcher is now exploring its possible practical applications.
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Photo: An older woman with white-blond hair and a light-coloured jumper stacks colourful building blocks on a table; Copyright: envato/LightFieldStudios


Dementia: playfully maintaining mental strength


Dementia is a progressive disease and ultimately cannot be cured by any therapy. Although there are medicinal approaches that are supposed to keep brain performance, no active substance has yet been found that would revolutionize the therapy. It is therefore all the more important to preserve the patients' functional abilities for as long as possible after diagnosis.
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Photo: Nurse kneels with tablet in hand next to a seated patient; Copyright: DigiRehab GmbH

DigiRehab GmbH

Quo vadis, digitalization in rehabilitation and physiotherapy?


Usability, autonomy, modernity – that's what digital components should add to rehabilitation and physiotherapy. This benefits both patients and professionals according to manufacturers of new technologies and software. Conversations with experts about the current situation and the future reveal how the industry is dynamic and ever evolving.
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Image: Guided by a physiotherapist, a child trains with a game on the Phibox in front of a TV; Copyright: PHIBOX


Getting fit is child’s play: Gamification in rehabilitation and physiotherapy


More and more people love to play games – and do so on a regular basis by using a video game console or their cell phones. An opinion poll by the GfK research institute from last year shows that games cast a big spell on all age groups. It’s no surprise that a growing number of rehabilitation and physiotherapy concepts include game design elements to pursue recovery goals.
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Photo: a woman is sitting at a table, in front of her a device for voice control is placed on the table; Copyright: Panthermedia/Andreypopov


Smart Living: more independence thanks to voice control


The way we live is becoming increasingly more modern and connected. And while some people are skeptical about smart technology, other target groups welcome the great new opportunities it affords. Control units allow people with disabilities and older adults to control and monitor their connected home devices, which allows them to continue living a self-determined life at home.
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Photo: a man with white hair and blue shirt smiles to the camera, a white Patronusens-box is installed at the ceiling; Copyright: Inferics GmbH

Inferics GmbH

More self-determination thanks to smart technologies


Everyone wants to live a self-determined life, but it isn’t always easy to implement – especially if you are an older adult or live with a disability. Fortunately, there are systems that help promote autonomy and independence in your own home. Size doesn’t always matter as even little smart helpers can give users peace of mind and a feeling of security as they navigate everyday life.
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Photo: A stylized human head with the OrCam MyEye on the glasses frame; Copyright: beta-web


OrCam MyEye: Promoting independence and participation with artificial intelligence


Reading texts, identifying products at the supermarket and even recognizing faces – the MyEye tool from OrCam can do just that and helps blind and visually impaired people feel more confident in everyday life. At REHACARE 2019, area sales manager Jennifer Kietzke showed us how the discreet, smart wearable assistive technology works.
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