CUREosity GmbH
Since February 1, 2024, the German health insurance company Techniker Krankenkasse has been reimbursing virtual reality therapy (VR therapy) with CUREO® in rehabilitation, making it the first health insurance company in Germany to make this modern therapy method available to its policyholders. The offer is initially aimed at patients of the Ambulanticum, which is the ideal partner for the project.STAPPONE
The 6-minute walk test is one of the standard assessments in rehabilitation in the fields of cardiology as well as pulmonology and has now also found its way into neurology. This easy test becomes even more efficient with stappone sensor soles and generates additional data with little additional effort.Messe Düsseldorf, Constanze Tillmann
ReWalk Robotics supports CMS proposal to include personal exoskeletons in Medicare benefit category for braces, aiming to expedite coverage and improve access to innovative technologies for individuals with neurological conditions. Stakeholders have a 60-day comment period to provide feedback before the expected finalization of the rule in early November.Funke Medical GmbH
Funke Medical GmbH has expanded its product range with the MobiTurn® turning and positioning aid, which can be used in inpatient and home care. The intelligent aid facilitates the repositioning of immobile patients and enables back-friendly care.Drive Medical GmbH & Co. KG
Drive Medical GmbH & Co. KG provides information about any features of electric wheelchairs and compares them with manual wheelchairs. In doing so, it highlights the advantages and areas of application that make them important for people with limited mobility and their relatives.ergoflix
Autonomy instead of dependency, social inclusion instead of social isolation – that's the motto of ergoflix. Leveraging high levels of motivation and conviction, the medical equipment manufacturer is committed to making it easier to access smart and aesthetic mobility equipment. The company developed a series of foldable electric wheelchair models that promote an active and flexible lifestyle.Flexo-Handlaufsysteme GmbH
Code-compliant handrail systems provide safety and make stairs accessible and usable for more people. They help reduce fall risk, facilitate more mobility, and allow people to gain access to all rooms. Thanks to its work with older adults and people with disabilities, Flexo-Handlaufsysteme GmbH knows about potential barriers and has made it its mission to promote the self-determination of people.ReWalk Robotics GmbH
ReWalk Robotics announces the 100th placement in Germany with an exoskeleton. The 100th insured in Germany is Lukas Gloßner, who is happy about his ReWalk exoskeleton.davidpereiras
The term "sustainability" has been on everyone's lips for some years now. Supermarkets advertise sustainable products, exchange platforms emphasize the sustainability of second-hand clothing, and disposable diapers are frowned upon by many young parents because of the mountains of trash they generate. But what is the actual situation in the medical and auxiliary means industry?twinsterphoto
Anyone visiting REHACARE on site will notice numerous small stands in addition to the larger stands of many established companies. Here you can often find new start-ups that want to expand the assistive technology sector with a fresh idea.PantherMedia / Jens Ickler
A new study reveals that disabled households in the Europe Union currently consume 10 per cent less energy than other households, as well as being 5 per cent more likely to experience energy poverty.University of Chicago
In the future, soft robotic hands with advanced sensors could help diagnose and care for patients or act as more lifelike prostheses.Friedrichstadt-Palast; Andi Weiland |
The latest communication technology trends also affect hearing systems: These tiny hearing amplifiers are getting smarter and can sometimes be connected to other systems. recaps the latest trends in hearing aid technology, explains the present limitations and explores other applications for the deaf and hard of hearing community.PantherMedia/vitaliy_sokol
There are many exciting advances in the field of prosthetics. asked prosthetic manufacturers and experts about the latest medical and technical research in laboratories and discovered how prostheses quite literally learn from the user.ReWalk Robotics Ltd.
ReWalk Robotics, Ltd., a leading manufacturer of robotic medical devices for people with lower extremity disabilities, has entered into a contract with BKK Mobil Oil Insurance to provide ReWalk Personal Exoskeleton devices to its eligible beneficiaries with spinal cord injury.ReWalk Robotics
Rehabilitation and robotics increasingly go hand in hand. That’s why it is crucial to ensure the quality of robotic rehabilitation at any level. How important is it for companies like ReWalk Robotics to have the support of health insurance companies? asked and also learned about the company’s future hopes for the industry.