
Photo: Martina Koepp, woman with shoulder-length blond hair, smiling in front of a sign of the German Society for Gerontology; Copyright: G. Klauke/GGT

G. Klauke/GGT

Accessible living: When everyone benefits


When people think of accessible living, they have images of wheelchairs and walking frames in their heads. But accessibility should be considered for everyone – as a matter of course and in every building construction. Only then will it become widespread. spoke to Martina Koepp, Managing Director of GGT, about challenges and solutions for age-appropriate and accessible living.
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Photo: A modern angular house photographed from the front and side view as well as with parts of the green areas. Copyright: Smart Living & Health Center e.V.

Smart Living & Health Center e.V.

"House of the Future" in Berlin: a center for self-determined living


The "House of the Future" is located in the heart of Marzahn-Hellersdorf in Berlin. It is part of the Unfallkrankenhaus (Accident hospital) Berlin (ukb) – an innovative facility dedicated to promoting a self-determined life. In June, the center invites you to a special open day.
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Image: Shower chair from Showerbuddy in front of a shower in the bathroom; Copyright: Showerbuddy


How to pick the right shower chair model with the help of the Shower chair buyers guide


Before choosing a shower chair, a full assessment of mobility needs should be completed by an occupational therapist to determine the necessary equipment and carer support. Showerbuddy can be customised to fit different types of showers and can provide support for both showering and toileting, with a range of adjustment options available to cater to body support needs.
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Image: An elderly man sits in a wheelchair in the door frame and holds on to the door handle; Copyright: Showerbuddy


5 ways to make a home easier for elderly people


The transition from elderly people being fully independent to needing a bit of help is often gradual. Sometimes the signs aren’t obvious nor are these people actively seeking out help. But in order to keep them safe in their own home, we need to proactively take some steps to make daily tasks easier.
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Image: Two occupational therapists help an elderly lady get into a car; Copyright: Showerbuddy


Benefits of working closely with an occupational therapist


The occupational therapist is an important piece of the puzzle for anyone who experiences a significant mobility impairment. Their job is to assess and plan ways to help their client conduct daily activities and maintain the lifestyle they want with as little stress as possible.
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Image: Double-sided and standard-compliant wall handrail in a residential complex; Copyright: Flexo-Handlaufsysteme GmbH

Flexo-Handlaufsysteme GmbH

Tangible safety: self-determination thanks to Flexo handrail systems


Code-compliant handrail systems provide safety and make stairs accessible and usable for more people. They help reduce fall risk, facilitate more mobility, and allow people to gain access to all rooms. Thanks to its work with older adults and people with disabilities, Flexo-Handlaufsysteme GmbH knows about potential barriers and has made it its mission to promote the self-determination of people.
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Image: A man shows how to use a personal lift in three pictures; Copyright: IndeeLift


IndeeLift: Human lifting tools for greater independence


IndeeLift offers human lifting tools that provide greater independence and safety for people with mobility impairment and their caregivers. It is a device that helps caregivers lift, transfer and transport patients in acute, post-acute, long-term and home care environments. At the same time, it can support people who live alone.
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Photo: a toilet in white in front of black tiles. To the right and left of it are grab bars; Copyright: PantherMedia/bitpics


Accessible bathrooms: fostering and maintaining greater autonomy and independence


For most people, the bathroom is their happy place and sanctuary – which is why it is important to remove any barriers for safety, ease, and comfort. Unfortunately, this is not always a given when it comes to people with disabilities. Unless you live in a new building, you may have to remodel bathrooms and toilet rooms to accommodate your special needs.
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Photo: Three men, three generations. The oldest man sits in a wheelchair, the younger men sit on the couch in front of a TV; Copyright: PantherMedia / Andriy Popov

PantherMedia / Andriy Popov

Accessible housing: a win-win situation


Many homes and apartments are not accessible to people with disabilities. For years, builders of larger accommodations must comply with corresponding accessible design and construction requirements. Getting into an accessibility mindset right from the start benefits everyone!
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Photo: an elderly couple sitting in their apartment, the LiftonTRIO home elevator can be seen in the background; Copyright: Liftstar GmbH

Liftstar GmbH

Stylish and innovative design: taking it to the top with the Lifton home elevator


Raúl Krauthausen recently discovered how much an elevator can make your life easier and add accessibility to your home. These days, the disability rights activist uses the LiftonTRIO Home Elevator from Lifton GmbH to navigate his apartment in Berlin. Reason enough for to ask the Liftstar Group what makes the Lifton home elevator so different from other systems.
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Photo: Close-up of a wheelchair user in front of a Myd'l ramp; Copyright: Myd'l


Myd'l: Diverse, innovative and individual – ramps for all occasions


Shopping – especially in city centers – can quickly turn from pleasure to frustration. Namely, when stores are only accessible via one or more steps. The French company Myd'l has a solution ready for every barrier in terms of accessibility – whether private or business. Successfully active in international business for 22 years, the manufacturer now also offers its products in Germany.
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Photo: a man with white hair and blue shirt smiles to the camera, a white Patronusens-box is installed at the ceiling; Copyright: Inferics GmbH

Inferics GmbH

More self-determination thanks to smart technologies


Everyone wants to live a self-determined life, but it isn’t always easy to implement – especially if you are an older adult or live with a disability. Fortunately, there are systems that help promote autonomy and independence in your own home. Size doesn’t always matter as even little smart helpers can give users peace of mind and a feeling of security as they navigate everyday life.
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Photo: a woman is sitting at a table, in front of her a device for voice control is placed on the table; Copyright: Panthermedia/Andreypopov


Smart Living: more independence thanks to voice control


The way we live is becoming increasingly more modern and connected. And while some people are skeptical about smart technology, other target groups welcome the great new opportunities it affords. Control units allow people with disabilities and older adults to control and monitor their connected home devices, which allows them to continue living a self-determined life at home.
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Photo: A hand controlling smart home options on a tablet; Copyright: PantherMedia/aa-w


Safe smart living and aging in place


Our living space reveals a lot about us. It undergoes many changes as the years go by and – with any luck - adapts to our circumstances. Sooner or later accessibility becomes an important issue for all of us. When it comes to our own four walls, this may consist of technology that enables us to live a self-determined life or may involve smart home devices and assistance systems.
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