
Exhibitors about REHACARE:

At REHACARE [...] we always get a lot of insights into the individual and diverse challenges of the industry. [...] The personal contact there is incredibly important to us.
Photo: Portrait of Carolin Mühle; Copyright: Help Tech GmbH / Philipp Fauck, FLP Media
To achieve this goal, we need to work hand in hand with partners who are able to introduce the Wheeleo® in their market. During REHACARE we expect to meet these partners and enter into this kind of partnership.
Picture: Portrait of Gregory Vanderveken & Geoffroy Dellicour ; Copyright JC Guillaume
REHACARE unites nearly the entire international playing field of the market participants in the Exhibition Center. [...] That is why this trade fair is very important to us and we thank you for organizing such an amazing event.
Picture: Portrait from Dennis Stadler; Copyright: ergoflix
REHACARE is clearly the most important trade fair in Europe, which brings together both the end-users as well as business partners. [...] At the same time, we also want to meet potential partners [...] . The REHACARE fair offers both.
Picture: Portrait of Gerhard Breugem; Copyright 2KERR
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the trade fair was very important because it was frequented by many medical supply stores. This enabled us to build personal connections with customers from all over Germany. [...]
Picture: Portrait of Siegfried Schmid  ; Copyright Flexo-Handlaufsysteme GmbH
Trade fairs like REHACARE have always and will always be extremely important to us. Seeing sippa in action simply has a greater impact than any written explanation.
Picture: Portrait of Dr. Sebastian Hin; Copyright iuvas medical GmbH
REHACARE offers us great access to specialist audiences such as occupational therapists. Thus, especially the new contents of ichó for patients with stroke diseases or in the field of social participation can find their way to the users.
Picture: Portrait of Steffen Preuß; Copyright icho systems GmbH

REHACARE 2022 was the perfect place to meet the big players in the industry, meet potential users, and get valuable feedback.

Picture: Portrait of Andrea Mocellin ; Copyright Matteo Mocellin