What makes you laugh?
Ilka Bruehl: Fortunately so much. I like to laugh and I laugh a lot. My cats and animals in general, for example, can cheer me up incredibly – but I can also laugh at myself very well.
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Ilka Bruehl: Publish a book. As a total bookworm and dreamer I dreamed as a young girl of publishing my own book. I've been working on a picture book for children that deals with being different for a long time now. I haven't published it yet, because my perfectionism stands in my way. But I have made it my firm intention to publish it this year.
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Ilka Bruehl: It's not that easy to answer that question. This is an interplay of several people. On the one hand there are my parents and sister, who have always supported me and made me feel that I am lovable, even if I didn't believe it myself. And they have always radiated such an unshakeable confidence that everything will be fine. And also my friend, who loves and supports me unconditionally. But also so many people, with whom you don't have much to do, but who inspire you incredibly, like photographers, bloggers etc.. I am so incredibly grateful for the great people and encounters in my life.
You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled. What would you do first?
Ilka Bruehl: To give me a comprehensive picture of the grievances and to talk to those affected about what could be improved in their situation.