What has been your biggest challenge so far that you have mastered – and what has helped you?
Victoria H.: Flying with a wheelchair and other medical aids was one of my biggest challenges. Due to Corona and other concerns, I did not fly for the first 3 years since being in a wheelchair. I was helped by encouraging, kind people from my environment, my aspiration for autonomy and participation, and sound preparation. That is also one of the reasons why I report here in such detail and with such determination and why I invest a lot of work. I know exactly how it feels and what challenges one encounters or can encounter that have to be overcome. Now being able to travel, in addition to being able to participate in social life, means a great deal of regained freedom. And I would like to pass that on.
What can the assistive technology industry learn from the Corona pandemic to make life easier and/or better for people with disabilities in the future?
Victoria H.: More accessible digitization. In addition, there should always be a sound repertoire of spare parts for wheelchairs to ensure supply. A defective wheelchair can, under certain circumstances, lead to temporary bedriddenness with complete dependence.
If nothing was impossible: Who would you like to meet one day and why?
Victoria H.: God and then ask him why there has to be so much injustice, hunger, violence and wars in the world...
What was your best REHACARE experience?
Victoria H.: Definitely: the Sports Center! :) With the great opportunity to try out so many different sports, to get into conversation or gather information, and to meet many like-minded people. It's a phenomenal experience every time.
What I wanted to say ...
Victoria H.: Thank you for the REHACARE!
And also a heartfelt wish of mine: If we would pause from time to time in everyday life and look more often to the left and to the right and, thus, treat our fellow human beings more mindfully, we would contribute a great deal to a "better and more peaceful world".
As the saying goes: "If you do something good for others, you do the best for yourself" and the circle would close.