Shooting star in wheelchair basketball – from Munich to Paris?
Whether for his club or for Team Germany – Lukas Gloßner is a wheelchair basketball player with all his heart. His big goal is to take part in the 2024 Summer Paralympic Games. Along the way, he has learned a lot and developed clear ideas about how he wants to live his life with a disability. Who he would like to meet and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
Lukas Gloßner: On a good day, I do a lot of sport and am very productive in relation to my other tasks. In the best case scenario, there's even time for friends and family.
Which day or moment in your life do you particularly like to remember? And why?
Lukas Gloßner: The final day of the 2023 Copa del Rey, when we won the trophy, and last year's Champions Cup quarter-final. Also my 16th birthday and the 2021 summer vacation.
What has been the biggest challenge in your life so far and how did you overcome it?
Lukas Gloßner: When I was 16, I had an accident and from this time on I was permanently depending on a wheelchair and then had to fight my way back to independence. Thanks to the support of my family and a lot of ambition, I did extremely well.
Which assistive devices are indispensable for you in everyday life and why?
Lukas Gloßner: The wheelchair, because otherwise I can't get from A to B. A converted car is also very important.
If you could invent your own assistive device, what would it look like and what would it have to be able to do?
Lukas Gloßner: I think it would be a jetpack or a way to fly at least short distances in a wheelchair.
Lukas Gloßner has already gained a lot of experience both in the club and for Team Germany and has taken part in many tournaments.
What do you wish for from society and your fellow human beings in dealing with people with disabilities?
Lukas Gloßner: Not to keep our distance, but to be just as open in our exchanges as we are with other people. We are all the same.
If nothing were impossible: Who would you like to meet, what place would you like to visit or what time would you like to experience? And why?
Lukas Gloßner: I would love to meet Lionel Messi or LeBron James, a trip to Rio would be great and I would like to relive the period from 2014 to 2019 with my current level of knowledge.
Are there certain topics or initiatives relating to people with disabilities that are particularly close to your heart?
Lukas Gloßner: The Wings4Life World Run is a great initiative. Otherwise, of course, any club that puts its heart and soul into promoting para-sports.
Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us.
Lukas Gloßner: I am 1.95 (6.4 ft) meters tall. You can't see that directly when I'm sitting down.
What significance does REHACARE have for you?
Lukas Gloßner: Shortly after my accident, the trade fair was a great opportunity to find out about a wide range of topics and opportunities.
What's still on my mind...
Lukas Gloßner: Always be grateful for what you have and appreciate the little things!