What has been your biggest challenge so far that you have mastered – and what has helped you?
Sima Surkamp: The self-employment I had started. It helped me find like-minded people and work out my path with them.
What can the assistive technology industry learn from the Corona pandemic to make life easier and/or better for people with disabilities in the future?
Sima Surkamp: For me, there is no relation of assistive devices to the Corona pandemic. Poor wheelchair provision, for example, is not related to the pandemic in my opinion. If it is, it is consistently bad.
If nothing was impossible: Who would you like to meet one day and why?
Sima Surkamp: No one in particular.
What was your best REHACARE experience?
Sima Surkamp: There are so many that I remember fondly. Be it the exhibitor parties, the guests...
What I wanted to say...
Sima Surkamp: I would like to offer people with disabilities a job. But we are also otherwise looking for people who would like to work in assistance themselves. I am happy to advise people with assistance needs. I am happy to receive enquiries and applications.