
Photo: The image shows an older man lying down, wearing virtual reality glasses; copyright: Fachhochschule Dortmund / mpool Consulting

Fachhochschule Dortmund / mpool Consulting

Digital solutions enhance day-to-day life in care services


How can technology enhance participation for older adults and streamline the work of care professionals? The project "Di-PAS st", led by mpool consulting GmbH and the Fachhochschule Dortmund, aims to answer this question. By leveraging existing tools rather than developing new ones, the initiative identifies practical solutions that address everyday challenges in the care sector.
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Photo: Exhibitor showing an arm prosthesis

Highlights of REHACARE 2024


REHACARE offers a comprehensive insight into the latest developments in mobility, everyday aids and rehabilitation. Discover how modern technologies can improve the everyday lives of people with disabilities and which trends and products are shaping the industry.
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Image: A man and a woman with smartphones record a video of an athlete climbing a climbing wall with a prosthesis

Cinematic impressions from the press tour


Experience REHACARE 2024 through the eyes of journalists: From innovative products to inspiring encounters, every shot from the press tour is truly captivating.
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Image: A woman with VR glasses on her face does an exercise with her right arm

Rehabilitation with gamification and VR – Interview with CUREosity GmbH


Since 2021, CUREosity GmbH has been proving with CUREO that rehabilitation does not have to be monotonous. With CUREO, people can complete exercises in a virtual reality (VR) environment in a fun way. This not only increases motivation to exercise, but also relieves the burden on therapists, who do not have to constantly supervise the exercises.
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Photo: Ottobock employee scans the residual limb of a transtibial amputee; Copyright: Ottobock


2024 Paralympics: Ottobock digitalizes technical service


With digitalized workshop processes and 3D printing technologies, Ottobock is setting an example for the future of technical services at major sporting events. The combination of state-of-the-art technology and experienced specialists ensures optimal support for the athletes and thus contributes to the smooth running of the Paralympic Games.
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Image: A woman sitting at a PC, looking at the monitor; Copyright: Create it REAL

Create it REAL

Digital transformation without upfront investment: 3D printing as a trailblazer


The orthopaedic industry is changing. 3D printing enables the production of patient-specific products with complex designs and improved properties. Create it REAL, a leading provider of 3D printing solutions, supports companies in their digital transformation and offers innovative services to take advantage of this technology.
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Photo: An elderly customer is advised by a specialist in a medical supply store; Copyright: marccalleja - envato

marccalleja - envato

Digitalization takes medical supply stores to the next level


At a time when digitalization is reshaping nearly all sectors of the economy, medical supply stores are facing a transformation. Traditionally, they were considered bastions of traditional craftsmanship in the customization of prosthetics and orthopedic aids. Now they are increasingly opening up to digital possibilities.
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Photo: A collage of different pictures of people who are happy; Copyright: Ottobock


Brand evolution in medical technology: Ottobock as a human empowerment brand


The goal of connecting people with disabilities, boosting their visibility and giving them courage has been an integral part of Ottobock’s DNA for more than 100 years. The brand relaunch for the healthtech company based in Lower Saxony builds on this, to be fit for the future in which digital will be a growth driver.
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Image: The participants of the European Accessibility Summit panel. In the middle: online participants. Bottom left:

European Disability Forum

Designing devices for all – a perspective from the industry and the disability movement


The 2023 edition of the European Accessibility Summit was organised by the European Disability Forum. Several industry representatives and disability rights activists discussed the current opportunities and trends related to accessibility, especially since the adoption of the European Accessibility Act.
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Photo: A woman in light blue clothing wears VR goggles and holds her hands in front of her; Copyright: Darlene Alderson / Pexels

Darlene Alderson / Pexels

Digitalization in therapy professions: Progress against the shortage of skilled workers?


There is a shortage of skilled workers – also in the therapy sector. People who need physiotherapy, ergotherapy or speech therapy due to a disability, illness or injury often have to wait a long time for entry into a program. Progress in digitalization offers new opportunities for those affected and can relieve the burden on therapists.
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Image: Collage of images of the Participants of the European Accessibility Summit panel on accessible digital work environment; Copyright: European Disability Forum

European Disability Forum

Enabling an accessible digital work environment


The European Accessibility Summit discussed the importance of creating an inclusive digital work environment for workers with disabilities and promoting digital skills for all. The panel highlighted the challenges faced by people with disabilities in digital inclusion and emphasized the need for accessibility and reasonable accommodation.
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Photo: Section of an arm with a sensor wristband; Copyright: Fraunhofer IBMT

Fraunhofer IBMT

Bidirectional control of prosthetic hands using ultrasonic sensors


Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute are developing ultrasonic sensors to control prosthetic hands. The sensors transmit sound pulses into the muscle tissue of the arm and enable the recognition of movement patterns, which are then sent to the prosthesis in real time by an AI-controlled electronic box.
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Photo: Lea Habekost wears sunglasses and laughs into the camera for a selfie, forest in the background; Copyright: private


Lea Habekost – That's how she rolls


Lea Habekost loves being out in nature. Whether in the forest with her dog or in the mountains with her family – no path is too difficult for the 22-year-old. Also thanks to an additional wheel and drive for her wheelchair. Where she thinks the assistive technology industry should definitely remain flexible and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on
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Photo: Side close-up of Tatjana B. laughing with closed eyes; Copyright: Private


Tatjana B. – That's how she rolls


Her son, her husband, her neurologist – they make up Tatjana B.'s personal support team. Outside this environment, the young woman with MS would like to see more sensitivity and understanding from society – even when the symptoms of a disease are invisible. What changes she would like to see in the health care system and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on
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Photo: Elke Paatz with long blond hair looking to the left; Copyright: private


Elke Paatz – That's how she rolls


Sailing is a matter of the heart for Elke Paatz. She has already convinced many people at REHACARE 2022 that the sport can also be practised inclusively – and the next presentation is already planned. Which body part she would like for her telepresence robot Robbi and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on
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Photo: Paul O'Dono sitting in his wheelchair and smiling at the camera; Copyright: private


Paul O'Dono – That's how he rolls


Challenges big and small are part of everyday life for Paul O'Dono. This makes it all the more important for him to find people who have had similar experiences in life. Together with these people, he campaigns for more accessibility – both online and offline. What makes Tom Cruise so unique for him and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
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Photo: The PARAVAN Hyundai STARIA in black color with extended electric wheelchair on an empty square under a blue sky; Copyright: PARAVAN


PARAVAN premiere Hyundai STARIA: Expressive design with plenty of space


The new PARAVAN Hyundai STARIA is a modern wheelchair-accessible multivan that can be customized and is available with various features such as a cassette lift, drive and steering system, and voice control. Thanks to a lowered vehicle floor, it offers spacious interior space for wheelchair and passengers.
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Photo: Mano Grande sits with his laptop on his legs on a white bench; Copyright: Private


Mano Grande – That's how he rolls


Whether disability, hair colour or clothing style – for Mano Grande, such characteristics are just ballast that leads to people being pigeonholed. With his podcast, the 40-year-old wants to contribute to seeing people as the individuals they really are. What he thinks about the German content creators Rezo and Julien Bam and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
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Photo: Patient wearing a prostethic limb. In the background: several medical devices and prostheses; Copyright: Chalmers University of Technology/Anna-Lena Lundqvist

Chalmers University of Technology/Anna-Lena Lundqvist

Revolutionary surgical advancement enables full finger control in bionic hand


A groundbreaking surgical and engineering advancement has allowed a person with an arm amputation to control each finger of a bionic hand as if it were their own. By reconfiguring the residual limb and integrating sensors and a skeletal implant, the prosthesis can now be controlled using A.I. algorithms and nerve rewiring, offering new possibilities for amputees.
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Photo: Man in electric wheelchair wearing wireless smart glass talking to another person whose back can be seen; Copyright: munevo GmbH

munevo GmbH

National Seating & Mobility becomes the first national provider in the US to supply munevo DRIVE technology


National Seating & Mobility (NSM), the largest provider of mobility solutions in North America, has partnered with munevo, Inc. to introduce the munevo DRIVE smart glass alternative drive control for power wheelchairs in the U.S., providing greater independence and freedom for power chair users through innovative technology.
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Photo: Benedikt Sequeira Gerardo smiles into the camera with his arms folded; Copyright: Daniel Cati

Daniel Cati

Benedikt Sequeira Gerardo – That's how he rolls


For deaf people like Benedikt Sequeira Gerardo, it is small or invisible devices that make all the difference in everyday life. These include smartphones with apps and other software. But development is stalling in some areas. Where he would like to see more inventiveness and how he rolls otherwise, he tells us on
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Image: Images side by side as an advertisement for the film. Person with one leg under water (left), wheelchair user (center) and man jumping with a prosthetic leg; Copyright: Harder Than You Think

Harder Than You Think

Harder Than You Think and P&G Studios announce new film "Rising Phoenix: A New Revolution (w/t)"


Harder Than You Think (HTYT) and P&G Studios are collaborating to create a new documentary film, "Rising Phoenix: A New Revolution (w/t)," aimed at sparking a global conversation on disability equality. The film follows on from the success of the double Emmy Award winning film Rising Phoenix, released in 2020.
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Photo: Back view of Katja in a Mercedes with the camera system set up on the center console; Copyright: PARAVAN


Driving license with a restricted field of vision – thanks to the latest camera technology


Katja, who has a restricted field after a riding accident, was able – thanks to innovative camera technology and environment recognition in the car – to successfully view her driving test at the PARAVAN driving school in the Aichelau mobility park. In her future car, too, a monitor with the necessary environment recognition will be installed on the center console.
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Photo: Dr Elena Seminati and Alex Lewis looking at a screen. Dr Elena Seminati holds a scanner; Copyright: Andrew Dunne / University of Bath

Andrew Dunne / University of Bath

Assistive tech project to enhance prosthetic sockets and speed-up rehabilitation for amputees


With a new technique for people who need prostheses after amputations, the University of Bath is developing a technology that allows patients and their families to photograph the remaining stump. The aim is to replicate the results clinicians in specialist clinics can achieve with high-end 3D scanners, but remotely and at a fraction of the cost.
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Image: Computer keyboard above which the words Accessibility can be seen; Copyright: European Disability Forum

European Disability Forum

Web Accessibility Directive: better feedback mechanism, more expertise needed


An evaluation report by the European Commission reported on the first three years of application of the Web Accessibility Directive (WAD). The period of the review overlaps with the accelerated digital transformation brought on by the pandemic.
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Photo: Title photo

Rehabilitation: Becoming mobile with virtual worlds and robotics


Above all, rehabilitation requires energy and motivation. Exhibitors at REHACARE 2022 want to achieve the latter with the help of virtual worlds and robotics. For example, the VR goggles from CUREosity GmbH offer exciting worlds of play, while Cyberdyne Care Robotics GmbH uses a robotic gait trainer for paraplegics and MS patients. Tyromotion GmbH also relies on robotics for its therapy devices.
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Photo: Many visitors sit in the expert forum TREFFPUNKT REHACARE and listen to the speakers; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

TREFFPUNKT REHACARE 2022: Highlight topics from the expert forum


TREFFPUNKT REHACARE is your central platform for lectures, panel discussions, and the exchange of information and experience. Topics included the digitization of the workplace and recreational environment, technical assistance and vocational rehabilitation with a focus on exoskeletons, job coaching, and rehabilitation for people living with long or post-COVID conditions.
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Image: Guided by a physiotherapist, a child trains with a game on the Phibox in front of a TV; Copyright: PHIBOX


Getting fit is child’s play: Gamification in rehabilitation and physiotherapy


More and more people love to play games – and do so on a regular basis by using a video game console or their cell phones. An opinion poll by the GfK research institute from last year shows that games cast a big spell on all age groups. It’s no surprise that a growing number of rehabilitation and physiotherapy concepts include game design elements to pursue recovery goals.
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Photo: Nurse kneels with tablet in hand next to a seated patient; Copyright: DigiRehab GmbH

DigiRehab GmbH

Quo vadis, digitalization in rehabilitation and physiotherapy?


Usability, autonomy, modernity – that's what digital components should add to rehabilitation and physiotherapy. This benefits both patients and professionals according to manufacturers of new technologies and software. Conversations with experts about the current situation and the future reveal how the industry is dynamic and ever evolving.
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Photo: Man sitting in a wheelchair to which the Empulse StreetJet traction device is attached. In the background: a mountain landscape; Copyright: Sunrise Medical

Sunrise Medical

Ready to go in a flash: the new Empulse StreetJet traction device


The new Empulse StreetJet traction device from Sunrise Medical features a patented "One Touch" docking mechanism, various pneumatic tire options and other advanced solutions to promote effortless progress for wheelchair users.
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Photo: A speech computer is on display at REHACARE; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

Digital assistive technologies: Modern tools to make life more accessible


People with disabilities often rely on assistance in different ways. Whether it's speech computers, screen readers, i.e. software that vocalizes on-screen texts, or special power wheelchairs – what all assistance has in common here is that it works thanks to digital components.
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Photo: A female wheelchair user stands on a terrace and smiles sideways at the camera. You can see a green meadow in the background; Copyright: davidpereiras


Auxiliary means industry: sustainable production, work and life


The term "sustainability" has been on everyone's lips for some years now. Supermarkets advertise sustainable products, exchange platforms emphasize the sustainability of second-hand clothing, and disposable diapers are frowned upon by many young parents because of the mountains of trash they generate. But what is the actual situation in the medical and auxiliary means industry?
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Photo: A woman sitting infront of a Dot Pad, her hand touching the braille surface; Copyright: Dot Incorporation

Dot Incorporation

People with vision impairments: The Dot Pad bridges the information gap


The new Dot Pad is not only smaller and lighter, but also much cheaper than conventional tactile displays – making them more affordable and accessible for people with vision impairments. Dot Inc makes the online world of images more accessible and aims to improve other areas as well. In our interview the Senior Manager Mergel Takam talks about the advantages and technology behind the Dot Pad.
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Photo: WheelSim VR test user Andreas with VR glasses in front of the screen; Copyright: LIFEtool


WheelSim VR: learning safe electric wheelchair operation thanks to virtual reality


LIFEtool is as non-profit organization that counsels and equips people with the tools, they need to be successful. The Austrian company now successfully adapted its 2D-based simulator WheelSim to virtual reality. VR training enables power wheelchair users to practice difficult tasks in a safe environment.
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Photo: Female nurse working with a tablet; Copyright: PantherMedia/Dmyrto_Z


The digitization of care: Key to greater transparency and efficiency


The outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic has been a global stress test and underscored the fact that digitization has not yet reached all sectors in Germany. Healthcare turns out to be an area that still has a lot of catching up to do. spoke the managing directors of the opta data Gruppe about the challenges and opportunities of a comprehensive approach to digitization in this sector.
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Photo: Man uses the Neofect Smart Glove for playful digital exercises at home; Copyright: Neofect


Neofect: "Digitization enabled us to gamify rehabilitation"


Light, individual and motivating: The portable therapy devices by Neofect aim to facilitate modern hand, arm and shoulder rehabilitation for rehab facilities and homecare use. We asked Scott Kim, CEO and co-founder of Neofect, to what extend gamification and digitization are advantages for the rehabilitation sector.
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Photo: David Hofer demonstrating the IntegraMouse at REHACARE 2019; Copyright: beta-web


IntegraMouse: Mouth-controlled device facilitates digital accessibility


Whether at work or at home – most of us cannot imagine living without a computer. But what happens if someone is unable to operate a keyboard and control a mouse with their hands because of a disability? The LIFEtool Solutions GmbH from Austria has developed a great solution – the IntegraMouse. We met up with CEO David Hofer at REHACARE 2019.
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Photo: Male with VR glasses, in the background you can see on screen what he is doing; Copyright: beta-web


Career of the future: Accessibility Professional


(Digital) accessibility is no longer a niche market and there is an increasing demand for skilled talent. That’s why many countries have already sought the support of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP). Soon there will be a Chapter that serves the German-speaking community called the IAAP DACH Chapter.
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Photo: TAB in TIME at REHACARE 2019; Coyright: beta-web


eCare: How startups are driving the digitization of healthcare


Everyone is talking about startups and digitization. eCare is yet another concept that is gaining momentum in healthcare settings. What opportunities does digitization offer? And where are its limits? Startup companies and representatives of the healthcare industry searched for answers to these and other questions at this year’s REHACARE.
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Photo: Preview

Digitalized stroke rehabilitation with Rewellio


The Austrian start-up Rewellio has set itself the task of guiding people back into mobility as quickly as possible after a stroke. For that they developed a virtual rehabilitation system.
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Photo: Sensory insole by novapace lying in front of a tablet on a table; Copyright: novapace


Parkinson's disease: Greater gait stability thanks to smart insoles


Gentle vibrations delivered to feet alert users to dangerous situations as they walk and prompt a more normalized gait pattern. That’s the concept behind the sensory orthotic insoles by novapace. In this interview, Simon Staffa, project manager at novapace, explains how this technology can help people with Parkinson's disease and describes the opportunities digitization brings to rehabilitation.
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Photo: Georg Teufl during rehabilitation process with a stroke patient using virtual reality glasses; Copyright: Rewellio GmbH

Rewellio GmbH

Stroke: Digitalization of rehabilitation with Rewellio


Mobile devices like tablets can help people with rehabilitation after a stroke – like with an app or virtual reality. Rewellio starts right here and wants to make therapy easier both for the patients and the physiotherapists. talked to Georg Teufl, founder and CEO of Rewellio GmbH, about the advantages of his product and digitalization in general.
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Photo: Older lady sitting on a chair in front of a screen showing a motorcyclist on the motorway. Other residents cheer her on; Copyright: RetroBrain R&D

RetroBrain R&D

MemoreBox by RetroBrain: Where rehabilitation meets fun


Doing something good for your health in a playful and fun way – that sums up the concept of health games. "It does not have to be grueling, boring and dreadful to maintain or regain your health," says Manouchehr Shamsrizi. He co-founded RetroBrain and developed the MemoreBox – an easy-to-use gaming console for aging adults, designed to keep them physically and mentally healthy and fit.
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Photo: The TiPY keyboard for one hand; Copyright: Drory Handels GmbH

Drory Handels GmbH

"TiPY is designed to accomplish the same things with one hand as you can with a standard two-handed keyboard"


Microsoft has led the way and launched an adaptive controller to enable people with physical disabilities to have nearly the same complete gaming experience as people without disabilities. Mattheaus Drory achieved a similar result. In this interview with, he admits that he initially didn’t necessarily have people with disabilities in mind when he developed his one-handed keyboard.
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