Mika Volkmann
Inspiring and encouraging others: This is always a personal concern for Kim Cremer. After a motorcycle accident, he wears a prosthetic leg and is passionate about sport . In the interview on REHACARE.com, he explains why he would like to invent an assistive device for people with visual impairments and why, in his opinion, social media does not fulfill its purpose completely satisfactorily.30.09.2024
REHACARE offers a comprehensive insight into the latest developments in mobility, everyday aids and rehabilitation. Discover how modern technologies can improve the everyday lives of people with disabilities and which trends and products are shaping the industry.rahm GmbH
For decades, rahm GmbH has been committed to enabling people to be more mobile and independent. At REHACARE 2024, the experts from rahm will be offering tailor-made solutions in the fields of prosthetics, mobility aids and pediatrics. Visitors to the trade fair will have the opportunity to get to know some of the most innovative technologies and experience them up close.Ottobock
With digitalized workshop processes and 3D printing technologies, Ottobock is setting an example for the future of technical services at major sporting events. The combination of state-of-the-art technology and experienced specialists ensures optimal support for the athletes and thus contributes to the smooth running of the Paralympic Games.bnenin / envato
Adaptive fashion is not a trend. It’s a sign of the shift towards a more open, inclusive society. The term appears both in Germany and throughout the world when describing well-designed, stylish clothing that caters to the individual needs and requirements of people with various disabilities. REHACARE.de takes an aesthetic and functional look at this attractive topic.Jens Fricke
Sarah Brückner is a passionate musician. Together with her husband, she performs as the folk duo Mrs. Greenbird. An accident in 2021 changed many things. As a social pedagogue, Sarah Brückner had already fought for inclusion in the past. What has changed for her as a prosthesis user and how she rolls otherwise, she tells us on REHACARE.com.TU Berlin
Students at TU Berlin have developed an exoskeleton that enables people with paraplegia to walk and overcome obstacles. Their project, called RISE (Research and Innovation in Student Exoskeleton development), which will be competing in this year's CYBATHLON in October, promises greater mobility and independence.Ottobock
The goal of connecting people with disabilities, boosting their visibility and giving them courage has been an integral part of Ottobock’s DNA for more than 100 years. The brand relaunch for the healthtech company based in Lower Saxony builds on this, to be fit for the future in which digital will be a growth driver.Opt Lasers / Unsplash
It appears to be magic: seemingly out of nowhere, modern 3D printers not only create shapes and figures, but also entire kits for technical devices. The assistive technology industry is recognizing the almost infinite possibilities of 3D printing. From customized prostheses to ergonomic seat cushions – the future of this technology has only just begun.Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA
Hari Budha Magar, who relies on prostheses from the HealthTech company Ottobock on both sides, plans to climb the "Seven Summits", the highest mountains on each of the seven continents. With this project and as part of Ottobock's first global brand campaign #IAmAMountain, he wants to encourage more people and drive the technology forward.Fraunhofer IBMT
Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute are developing ultrasonic sensors to control prosthetic hands. The sensors transmit sound pulses into the muscle tissue of the arm and enable the recognition of movement patterns, which are then sent to the prosthesis in real time by an AI-controlled electronic box.Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann
In a few days it's that time again, the "REHACARE – Selfdetermined living" starts on 13.09.2023. But instead of just passively strolling through the aisles and looking at products at the various stands, the fair offers its visitors much more! We have already rummaged a little in advance, what there will be to see and experience during the trade fair days!Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA
The medical technology company Ottobock has launched the height-adjustable Taleo Adjust prosthetic foot, which allows people with prosthetic legs to freely choose between different types of shoes. Thanks to feedback from users such as Zainab Al-Eqabi, the user-friendliness of the prosthetic foot has been improved.Chalmers University of Technology/Anna-Lena Lundqvist
A groundbreaking surgical and engineering advancement has allowed a person with an arm amputation to control each finger of a bionic hand as if it were their own. By reconfiguring the residual limb and integrating sensors and a skeletal implant, the prosthesis can now be controlled using A.I. algorithms and nerve rewiring, offering new possibilities for amputees.Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann
As a trade fair for rehabilitation and care, REHACARE has been a meeting place for people who work in this specialist field or individuals who themselves have a disability and their relatives for over 40 years. Each come to discover the latest developments and opportunities, for example in the field of aids, training and careers, therapy or travel/leisure.envato/StudioVK
The topics of digitization and robotics are becoming increasingly tangible for us and, in many cases, they enrich our lives. They also offer a great support for people with disabilities. Speech computers can give people without the ability to speak a voice again, apps improve the effectiveness of hearing aids and care robots are already helping within retirement and nursing homes.Ottobock
Children with disabilities can lead more active and self-determined lives thanks to orthotic devices from Ottobock such as customizable wheelchairs and the Exopulse Mollii Suit. The use of state-of-the-art 3D printing technology also enables the production of lighter and more comfortable orthotic helmets for babies with head deformities.Helmut Lunghammer – TU Graz
The smart skin developed by Anna Maria Coclite has many potential applications – from robotics and cosmetic surgery to prosthetics. With an ERC Proof of Concept Grant, the researcher is now exploring its possible practical applications.Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech
ARM2u is a team of 15 students from BarcelonaTech, developing a customizable robotic arm prosthesis controlled by the user's muscle contractions, with plans to compete in the Cybathlon 2024 event. Their aim is to market a low-cost prosthesis made with 3D printing technology.GettyImagesforOttobock
Ottobock is the Official Technical Partner of the World Para Athletics Championships and the European Para Championships. At both sporting events, the internationally active medical technology company will ensure that the para-athletes’ participation in the competition is secured, even if something breaks or has to be replaced on their device.POSTECH
The development of electronic skin with multiple senses is essential for various fields, including rehabilitation, healthcare, prosthetic limbs, and robotics. One of the key components of this technology is stretchable pressure sensors, which can detect various types of touch and pressure.F. Sodermanns Automobile GmbH
Dressing and undressing, getting in and out of a car or bus, reaching for and picking up objects – for people with mobility impairments, even everyday tasks like these can become a challenge and create a barrier. Many assistive technology companies join forces to provide better assistance for people with disabilities. Several REHACARE exhibitors are among this dedicated group of collaborators.Ottobock
The company Ottobock has launched the Quickchange Adapter 4R11, which allows amputees to independently detach and reattach their prosthetic components from the prosthetic socket. The product was developed in close cooperation with users.Ottobock
The Ottobock company is supporting the INVICTUS GAMES 2023 in Düsseldorf on site with a technical service for prostheses, orthoses and wheelchairs. In close proximity to the training and competition venues, Ottobock will be on hand with its international team and over 100 years of experience in medical technology.Andrew Dunne / University of Bath
With a new technique for people who need prostheses after amputations, the University of Bath is developing a technology that allows patients and their families to photograph the remaining stump. The aim is to replicate the results clinicians in specialist clinics can achieve with high-end 3D scanners, but remotely and at a fraction of the cost.Xiaxia
An unexpected amputation completely changed Rong Xia's life. But she took this as an opportunity to deal with the topic professionally and to found her own company for the development of prostheses. What her goals are and how else she rolls, she tells us on REHACARE.com.Ottobock
Denise was 29 years old when she underwent disc surgery – a seemingly harmless procedure. However, the surgery didn't go as smoothly as planned and when she woke up from anaesthesia, she could no longer feel her right thigh. The diagnosis: incomplete paraplegia. The world's first smart leg orthosis, the C-Brace® has given the mother of two new mobility and improved her quality of life.MikaVolkmann
World record holder Johannes Floors has made it his mission to introduce children and young people with prostheses to the world of sport. That's why he is devoting three days of his time to the youngest at the Talent Days in order to work with Ottobock technicians to fit and extensively test sports prostheses.Ottobock
On 20 February, the global healthtech company Ottobock opened the doors to its most state-of-the-art and future-oriented clinic to date. Located in the newly developed Sartorius Quarter in the German city of Göttingen, the clinic will provide care for patients across the country and worldwide.Ottobock
Following the positive vote of the ethics committee of the State Medical Association of Hesse, a multi-centre study launched in January 2023 in several MEDIAN hospitals, in which amputees receive a special prosthesis from Ottobock. The research project is intended to show how modern rehabilitation with longer stays and optimal prosthetics can improve the treatment situation for amputees in GermanyOttobock
Ottobock, the global health-tech company, has successfully completed the acquisition of Pace Rehabilitation, one of the UK’s independent providers of prosthetic and rehabilitation services in the UK.F. Sodermanns Automobile GmbH
F. Sodermanns Automobile GmbH helps people without individual limbs and with amputations to drive independently using the latest technology and individual adaptations. With rahm Zentrum für Gesundheit GmbH, the company creates prostheses and orthoses using 3D scanning and 3D printing processes and adapts them to the driving aid.Rebecca Brunner
Rebecca Brunner likes to take her life into her own hands and gives every day the chance to be the best. Her prosthetic leg helps her to always try out new things and overcome new challenges. What she wants from her fellow human beings, what is particularly important to her in the assistive technology industry and how she rolls otherwise, the social media manager tells us on REHACARE.com.Isabelle Sievers
A prosthetic arm has given Isabelle Sievers a lot of quality of life and self-confidence. In just three years, she has overcome many lows and continued her self development. Her strong will and perseverance have helped her to achieve even the seemingly impossible. In our interview, she emphasizes that everyone has their own strengths and can achieve anything.Liliya Krüger
Katharina Parafieva lost both legs in an accident. Since then, she has been living with a wheelchair and prostheses. Getting out of her comfort zone and thinking positively were the most important steps for her to actively participate in life again. She tells REHACARE.com what else is important to her.Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA
The "Össur and Ottobock Research Trust Fund" offers to support research projects that analyze the applicability of human-machine interfaces for the benefit of prosthesis users and thus further advance research in prosthetics.Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA
Business stagnation is never a good thing. It’s the reason assistive technology manufacturers continuously come up with innovative equipment and improve on their existing products. REHACARE.com shows the influence users have on the assistive technology industry and explains the research and development processes in manufacturing companies.PantherMedia/DGLimages
Adjusting to life after amputation can be challenging – both physically and mentally. Amputees need a lot of endurance and discipline before a prosthesis can fully replace a missing body part. Find out at REHACARE.com what is important when it comes to prosthesis fitting and discover where amputees can turn to for support.PantherMedia/vitaliy_sokol
There are many exciting advances in the field of prosthetics. REHACARE.com asked prosthetic manufacturers and experts about the latest medical and technical research in laboratories and discovered how prostheses quite literally learn from the user.privat
Julia Porzelt is a team athlete: together with her horses Dainty and Bruno, she is internationally successful in dressage. She never gets bored: besides intensive training, she goes jogging and works with her retriever dog Feline – her assistance dog in training. Which celebrities she would like to train with and how she otherwise rolls, she tells us on REHACARE.com.Quokka
Sometimes an outfit is just an outfit – perhaps it’s not terribly exciting or unique, but it does the job. But expressing your individuality from time to time never hurt anyone. How do you showcase your personal style? With the right accessories: a scarf, a belt, or a matching bag. REHACARE.com took a closer look at companies that accommodate the specific needs of people with disabilities.Jakob Gsöllpointner/MOB Industries
Fashion without barriers – that’s the mission of Viennese-based startup MOB Industries (German: Mode Ohne Barrieren, hence the abbreviation MOB). How has the coronavirus outbreak affected the company’s latest collection and how do functionality and aesthetics go hand in hand? REHACARE.com asked MOB founder and CEO Josefine Thom.beta-web
The company Reboocon Bionics has made it their goal to develop lighter and more powerful prostheses. At REHACARE 2019 the company, which is based in the Netherlands, gave us a first taste of what is to come, as their portfolio is still only available on the Chinese market. However, a launch in Europe is planned for 2020.01.06.2018
The Karlsruhe-based VINCENT Systems Company develops prosthetic hands that raise the bar for prosthetics. This prosthetic device is light-weight, based on the anatomical features of a natural hand and offers a wide variety of functions as well as an artificial sense of touch.